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Very Ape

Simple base suggestion?

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The topic with the tractor got me thinking about using vehicles to build bases.

And so, I went a step further, and imagined using vehicles to use vehicles to build bases.

What if we could acquire, with much difficulty, tow trucks, to move broken vehicles into barriers. Imagine walling off an entire street (or even town) with piled up vehicles, leaving only an opening for your own vehicles. These vehicles, however, would be extremely difficult to acquire, repair and a pain in the ass to operate. Moving vehicles and piling them up would be painfully slow, and make a ton of noise, thus attracting zombies. With any luck, in standalone a windshield won't be an anti-zombie barrier, and teammates will be required to fend off the hordes of zeds.

Furthermore, towing these broken vehicles off-road would be extremely slow, and towing a vehicle up a grassy slope would simply be impossible. Whether or not this is extremely authentic isn't that big of an issue-- it would serve a good purpose: keeping these blockades in urban environments. While having your fort completely walled around by actual cover (not provided by tank-traps and wire fencing) presents a distinct advantage, this advantage would be too much if taken out of the city. So by keeping the huge forts within the cities, it provides the following:

1) Great environment and mood for players wandering city streets, only to find a portion blocked off and patrolled by a group that has set up shop.

2) A disadvantage for the fortress defenders, as they still have to deal with zombies and are more visible.

Obviously people would try to grief with this new feature, but they couldn't do as much damage as is already done with tank-traps, and it would provide obstacles to overcome. So what if a player (after investing hours, if not days, finding and repairing a tow-truck), decides to block off the entrance to the supermarket? Break the glass or find an another entrance. No entrance? Well, try to move it. Go prone underneath it.

Wire fencing at the base of a wall of vehicles, with the occasional tank trap scattered about, would look awesome.

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but it would be hard to get people that are in the base

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I see many cars towed into building entrances just to annoy....

There would be limitations. Most building entrance have some front steps, that you couldn't place cars on.

For those buildings that don't, you can always crawl underneath the cars.

Once again, actually moving vehicles around would present such a risk that only coordinated team efforts would be able to pull it off. You wouldn't have any lone trolls trying to block off every door in the city. And even if they did, you could still crawl under them.

The main purpose of cars is to provide actual cover from gunfire in base-building, and to stop zeds (or at least bringing them into a choke-point).

For a car to be an effective barrier against players, it would need to be coupled with wire-fencing kits.

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I bet we could have a nice cozy settlement like those found in Stalker shadow of chernobyl

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This still wouldnt stop Ghosting. That person who wants to get into the supermarket you have blocked off could just jump servers until he gets in behind you.

This is why Rocket was talking about Instanced underground structures, as this prevents players logging in behind you as the base would only appear on one server only.

It would be nice to have the features you suggest but Douchebags will always find a way to spoil it.

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This still wouldnt stop Ghosting. That person who wants to get into the supermarket you have blocked off could just jump servers until he gets in behind you.

This is why Rocket was talking about Instanced underground structures, as this prevents players logging in behind you as the base would only appear on one server only.

It would be nice to have the features you suggest but Douchebags will always find a way to spoil it.

Agreed, not to mention what hackers/Scriddies could do to it >_<

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This still wouldnt stop Ghosting. That person who wants to get into the supermarket you have blocked off could just jump servers until he gets in behind you.

This is why Rocket was talking about Instanced underground structures, as this prevents players logging in behind you as the base would only appear on one server only.

It would be nice to have the features you suggest but Douchebags will always find a way to spoil it.

I'm hopeful that your character will be locked to a certain server.

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It would be nice if you could build proper settlements with a perimeter that would keep people from ghosting inside. E.g. you try to log in there and just get moved to the outside of the perimeter. Maybe manage who can come inside with a password entry like a POS in EVE? Not sure how doable that would be but it's an idea.

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Did you say tow truck? I'd just drive around picking up people with broken down cars and lead them out into the woods.

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