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looking for a good server

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Hey guys im just looking for a good server, one that has more weapons vec etc and is still dayz but a little customized i am Canadian but i dont really care if its in the USA. im not really looking for eroupen severs just north american thanks guys :D

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We started the server yesterday and we have new ideas in development like, customs towns (soon), new types of loot, and plenty of vehicles and diferent than normal dayz but nothing to much OP.

We don't have much ppl yet but we start to build a comunity up right now if you wanna join us and if you have some friends wanna join to you guys are more than welcome you can read below the features of our server.

To the DayZ Community Members,

The BlackWatch Server is returning to public after a extensive period out.

Server BlackWatch UK Multi Gaming Clan

- Survivor Starts With : 2 Drinks 2 Cans of Food, Colt 1911 + 1 Mag, 1 Bandage, Map, Compass.

- More than 100 Vehicles (extras).

- Free From Hacks.

- Active Admins.

- Role Back.

- Helpfull server team all BW Members will help you with any questions or problems you have, we can help with some necessary suplies to all survivors that really need them.

- Bandits are free to join !! But Server team will have a group to go after them .

- Server Future - Objectives Ingame with rewards. Hunt Down Bandits. Defend X Attack Y.



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we have a sever thats own by three diffrent people adims will guid newbies and we change the map when our players get bored you wont be kick for stupid reasons. not even for trolling the admins if u want to check it out the ip adress is check it out if u have any sugestions on a good map let me or any of the admins in the sever no

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