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wo0kie (DayZ)

Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

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Date/Time: 6/17/2012

What happened: Upon updating to 1.7.1 and installing the beta patch 93825 for Arma 2, whenever I load into a DayZ server, I do not spawn at the coast but in some sort of barren wasteland with no sign of zombies, other players, buildings, trees, shrubbery, water or ANYTHING.

Where you were: Good question.

What you were doing: Loading into various servers (seems to happen on all of the 1.7.1 servers I join!)

*Current installed version: 1.7.1

*Server(s) you were on: 1.7.1 servers (various).

*Your system specs:

ASUS P8Z68V-PRO LGA 1155 Motherboard

Intel Core i7-2600k 3.8Ghz

Zalman CNPS9900-MAX CPU Cooler

Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3 RAM 16GB

eVGA GTX570 Classified x2 SLI

3x 1TB 7200RPM WD HDD

HT Omega Striker 7.1

Corsair HX850 PSU

Corsair Obsidian 650D

Samsung 2443BWT-1 24" (1920x1200) 5ms Monitor

*Timeline of events before/after error: Installed Beta and then updated DayZ. Noticed right away and tried reinstalling DayZ - no luck.

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You running the beta patch? People that join my server w/o the beta seem to have this happen to them...not even sure how they get in considering that I thought 1.7.1 was supposed to require it...

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You running the beta patch? People that join my server w/o the beta seem to have this happen to them...not even sure how they get in considering that I thought 1.7.1 was supposed to require it...

Yeah running beta. Not sure either, that's weird. D:

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***Mine is FIXED...I joined another server after the reinstall and it works...reverted back to favourite server and it put me as a bird again so my problem is server specific***

I joined as normal after installing the 1.7.1, (the server was already running beta 93825 and 1.7.0) because this is my favourite server and it had updated and it seems to have led to me spawning as a bird (i recognised the movement from my deaths in ArmA 2 training)

A mate has told me this is a DRM to stop cheaters? I don't cheat. This

has now happened after i found a legitimate L85A2 at a downed chopper site which was replaced in my backpack by a makarov which I've also been told may be an anti-cheat method. I'm not a baddie, stop picking on me!

I've just re-installed dayz mod and got basically the same result. Any ideas?

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Date/Time: 6/17/2012

This happened to me this morning as well. Updated everything like you did to the current versions. My character was sent to the debug forest with no gear...not even a pack or a vest. I can't respawn out of the forest. I've tried several servers. I'm stuck there with fools running around shooting at me.

Not to mention I had my character for 9 days...have played 100 hours so far. Never murdered anyone. Played alone 98% of the time. been murdered once by a thug. And killed by zombies twice. I've been sent to debug ocean, bird and forest four times. Now, I can't leave.

No one has any advice yet.

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Just happened to me and got fucking sniped soon as i spawned there.


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Yeah I'm having the exact same issue. I'm in a field and there is like 50 corpses in the middle of an empty field.

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This is my issue too, please let me know when something can fixed this, I haven't broken a single rule in the time I have been playing and this is fudging me off now.

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I'll try that. I happened to spawn in the Wilderness (Debug Area - not forest) with all my gear (GPS, Map, Compass).. And I got where I were... It was 1,5 real map distance from the real map. :P

I was at 820x900, to go back to the map I should head SE (82x90, 83x91... 99x99, 00x00), and when I hit 00x00 I would be back at the real map. At least it's my theory :P (FYI, the real map goes from 00 to 13... so it's a long walk :D)

Does anyone knows if we do this Canada 2 trick you will get back to the real map with all your stuff?

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I had all my stuff in the wilderness and I kept it when I appeared in the debug forest of "canada 2" No idea how this worked (or if it still works.)

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I've got a pretty much same issue, but I've spawned in the wasteland with NO gear and in my orignal skin.... what the hell is going on? 9 days of progress just gone like that? :(

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same thing is happening to me at the moment....

was with a few friends..... no one heard a thing i just started bleeding and had a broken leg....

i took cover fixed myself up next thing i know i'm dead....

nobody heard a thing at all..... 3 people there and no one heard it....

now i'm just getting repeatedly spawned out in the debug wilderness

absolutely no gear.....

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Your not alone guys!

Twenty minutes ago the server i was on went down, kicking everyone, re-spawned in forest in the middle of no-where, had gear but now hoplessly lost.

Bit of a pain in the arse as i spent all day trying to get to a friends position near kozlovka.....:(

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Kozlovka isn't that far away from the debug forest. Head EAST to Zelenogorst (5mins?) and you're very close.

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You should all try dayzrab trick here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13497

Go to server Canada 2 (even if you have and 93825 and ghillie suit, it works fine).

Filter only the word "canada", there will be 2 servers. Choose Canada 2. Easy like this.

I was in the Debug Wilderness too. Did the little trick on the Canada 2 and wento to the "Debug Forest" as it is called, and it was pretty much WEST from Pavlovo... the exact position is about 010x110 or 010x120 (GPS) ( http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/ ). It might take from 5-10 min, maybe 20 min if you get too lost in the woods, to arrive on Pavlovo. If you don't have a compass, try to use your shadow or the sun. If it is of any help, I think the server Canada 2 uses GMT -6 (use this to know where your shadow must be...)

So, if you walk east too much and don't find Pavlovo, go South and you might be able to find the coast. Carefull, in the server Canada 2 there are people waiting for others get out of the Debug Forest and kill you. I've seen some bodies throught the forest and on it's borders. So I would advise you to be very carefull!

Using your shadow: It's not very precise, I think, but it's something like this -> If it's morning, your shadow will be in the West, and the Sun (if there is any) in the East. If it's afternoon, otherwise. Smile

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Same here.

Date/Time: 18.6.2012 mid day

What happened: Yesterday I was in Mogilevka and now I joined to several servers and I have no sound or Z. I try respawn and then I was in desert wasteland. I try to respanw again but I can´t get out of there.

Where you were: Migilevka > wasteland

What you were doing: just starting game with old character.

*Current installed version:1.7.1 with newest beta patch

*Server(s) you were on:many

*Your system specs:

asus M4A88TD-M evo

amd phenom II X4 970

palit geforce GTX 570 oc

corsair ddr3 1766Mhz

windows 7 64bit

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Same thing just happened to me just now.

Spawned debug plains.

Bodies everywhere.

Saw some other active player running around.

Call out to him on direct to discuss our predicament.

Get blow away..lose nvgs,gps,weapons, everything....sadface.jpg

Interesting to note that every time I relogged I was spawned in the same place no matter where I had been when I logged off.

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Same here.

Date/Time: 18.6.2012 mid day

What happened: Yesterday I was in Mogilevka and now I joined to several servers and I have no sound or Z. I try respawn and then I was in desert wasteland. I try to respanw again but I can´t get out of there.

Try joining Canada 2 (or any server that runs 1.7.0) and you will go to the Debug Forest. There, you will be 5-10 min west from Pavlovo and about 10-20 min North from the coast. So, run East to get to Pavlovo and it will be alright. :)

searching for Canada 2: Filter "canada".

Any other questions: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13497

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Happens to me as well, on all servers. Yesterday I also spawned in debug forrest, then relog and back in the wastes..

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You all have to either:

1. Run east then you'll eventually hit the treeline where the map actually is because atm it spawned you off map.


2. Respawn, sadly I had to do with after running east for 20min and logging off to do something then logging back on to find myself back where I started, so I lost what I gained. So I just respawned and that worked, I didn't want to do this in the first place because of my gear but what could ya do. Plus your bound to die sooner or later.

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