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DayZCelle ([Veteran][GMT-11] Private Hive - Slacker Gaming!!! | DayZ.ST

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Thoroughly enjoyed playing on the server yesterday. I had played on a couple different SG maps and never had any issue. In fact the Celle Admin (Manatee Hunter) had actually mentioned remembering my clan and having some awesome shootouts on the Panthera map they used to have. Figure this would be a good place to call home for a Celle character.

Today was a completely different story. I get killed by another player (not admin, name was 3ugene) who immediately starts hackusations. Lost NVG's, RF, DMR, G36c. Not really a big deal, the server was just restarted so I can move on and find more stuff. Hackusations keep flowing, even though I was the one who was killed. Proceed to get shot by the admin about 5 minutes after spawning in Celle. Admin is literally 100m away from a crash site yet he has no idea how I got my new guns (m14, G36SD). Asks me to explain myself, and I do even though I shouldn't have to, with how I got my new amazing gear (Czech pack, some food, 1 dmr mag and a SD mag with my guns) . More hackusations keep flowing, now coming from the Admin. I get shot and die after spawning again, this time with no gear. Hackusations. Now about 30 minutes go by, I end up back in Celle, find the same crash site that was right next to the admin yet he never bothered to check. Grab the last gun there G36K, run to the same spot where the admin had shot me before, people are there so I start shooting. Get a couple kills before I end up getting shot. Admin now won't shut up about how suspect I am, even though I have died about 5-6 times in the last hour, looted fresh crash sites that were right next to him and were completely untouched (this is also about an hour now after server restart). I finally have enough, so I tell the Admin to check the log and ban me or STFU. I was actually expecting to get banned for the comment alone, but to his credit he didn't. He stops accusing me of exploiting/cheating/hacking/whatever you wanna call it, but does nothing to shut the other players up on the server, even though he knows I have done nothing wrong. I finally get tired of playing on a server where childish behavior is tolerated, so I leave, ironically about 2 minutes after an actual hacker comes onto the server ([TFAA] Noah I believe) and starts killing everyone. Karma. Coincidentally the admin was nowhere to be found when an actual hacker joined.

It disappoints me to not recommend this server since I had so much fun playing the day before, but Admin does nothing about hackusations, even though he can check logs and had played with me and my clan before, then begins to partake in it himself. Admin has all the tools in the world to help him spot and ban a cheater, yet he resorts to blind accusations. It is really unprofessional to allow crap like that but, whatever, it is his server so he can do what he wants. If you decide to play there I hope you have a good time, but don't be surprised if you find a bunch of whining in side chat and other players (admin included) think you're a hacker because you find a gun and decide to shoot people with it.

TL;DR Server is full of immature brats, admin will allow hackusations and partake in it himself, don't be surprised if you get banned

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That sucks. Been searching for a US Celle server. Dunno if this was one, but still.... You did the right thing to warn us about this. We need to start a server rating thread.

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