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Looking for a buddy or two to kill some people.

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Hi, my name is SinisTer and I am looking for a fellow Bandit or whatever you are I don't really give a shit as long as you aren't a noob ( I don't KOS if it is possible to communicate with victim, so sometimes I help people, sometimes I shoot them . ) I am veteran player and I am playing on ZOMBIES.NU HIVE (get whitelisted there) . I had lots of experience with squads and formed few, but I didn't like them because they talk too much and I just can't stand when people talk too much like " BLA BLA BLA " That is why I am looking for 1 or 2 buddies MAYBE 3 if they are veteran and experienced in PvP and DayZ Itself and are from Europe because of GMT ..... If you are interested to join me just contact me here

just get whitelisted on ZOMBIES.NU

Edited by sinisterltu

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Bump ! Getting lots of requests but 90% ppl just add me and dont log back in skype for like 2 days :DD

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I just keep on bumping every 12 hours maybe someone will be interested, maybe this lonely survivor will find that ONE and ONLY ! and cook some raw meat on fire together !

Edited by sinisterltu

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Share on other sites get on this team speak and search Ragstorm i have massive group playing all maps

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