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2 Peeps looking for new home! in UK

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we are fairly new to the game but have played for over a week and would love to find a nice server with friendly peeps on to help us get acquainted with life on the game. we live in UK and would love some ideas/ suggestions as where to go/apply!

any help would be mega help!

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Hey man,

I'd recommend checking out British Sargeants Mess server that I frequent: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107612-british-sergeants-mess-bsm-fully-admind-more-loot-vehicles-weapons/

It's a Private Hive on Chernarus, which is closely admin'd, with a very good base of players. There's a bandit clan that regular, and a lot of help in getting yourself set-up in the server at the moment. I'd really recommend taking a look, I'm having a great time on there!

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We run a UK based server that has whitelisting and runs a private hive on Vanilla DayZ. The whitelist should in theory give you a hacker free environment and everyone on the server would be more than willing to help you out if you need it!

Come and check us out at http://dayz.frak.eu/forum/ and get your whitelist applications in. :)

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Hey guys,

Check out my server, we're a well established Whitelisted private hive with a 99.32% hacker free environment :) Lots of good groups on the server, plenty of nice people and lots of bandits too :)

our advertising thread:


and discussion thread:




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Check out my server, we're a well established Whitelisted private hive with a 99.32% hacker free environment :)

Is that an actual stat or did you just pull it out your ass? lol

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You should really check out BSM really good server, plus good admins. What more could you want? :D

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Is that an actual stat or did you just pull it out your ass? lol

4 confirmed hackers banned out of 632 whitelisted GUID's :) You do the math and check I'm correct :)

Edited by -Panda

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4 confirmed bans out of 632 whitelisted GUID's :) You do the math and check I'm correct :)

I won't argue with that :P

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To the DayZ Community Members,

The BlackWatch Server is returning to public after a extensive period out.

Server BlackWatch UK Multi Gaming Clan

- Survivor Starts With : 2 Drinks 2 Cans of Food, Colt 1911 + 1 Mag, 1 Bandage, Map, Compass.

- More than 100 Vehicles (extras).

- Free From Hacks.

- Active Admins.

- Role Back.

- Helpfull server team all BW Members will help you with any questions or problems you have, we can help with some necessary suplies to all survivors that really need them.

- Bandits are free to join !! But Server team will have a group to go after them :D.

- Server Future - Objectives Ingame with rewards. Hunt Down Bandits. Defend X Attack Y.



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Hey, The Watch/Black Diamonds server is aiming to have a nice community. or servch TW/BD and chose the DayZ.st one

New private hive server active admins friendly bunch, TS channel on request for you and your buddy or clan (can be passworded for you) or if you make friends with us you can always just join us in ours. Forums coming soon

We use Gotcha antihacks as well as our checking ourselves and have backups in case of a major incident.


Edited by Georonin

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