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Dr. Hawk

There are friendly players out there.

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Not trying to blow my own horn but heres video proof.

Everyone always says SHOOT ON SIGHT or KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES or what not, well look I found 5 friendly people willing to chill, even 2 bandits. I also apologize for the abrupt end, Skype canceled out my sound and when I went to relog to fix it the recording stopped. The sniper still killed me though...

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One day in fallujah, a guy in the servers ts decided to give me all his gear whilst on top of a tall building. He then jumped off and almost died. I bandaged him, and gave him all the meds then he said he was thankful, and left.

I've had it since then, for around 2 days meow. Such a nice guy.

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Fath in humanity restored

1337 posts. congrats. heres some beans to celebrate.
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I was hunted by British survivors claiming they were friendly. But my local neighborhood hospital visiting Hero saved me. I'm scared of Brits now.

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I skipped to the 38min mark. Did I miss anything exciting?

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your hero skin shows that you put a lot of efforts in being friendly..a lot of people just prefere not taking the risk to make a pacific contact with others..i found since my first games that in the big towns the major part of people only wants a nice weapon and someone giving them a blood transfusion..poor bambies

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your hero skin shows that you put a lot of efforts in being friendly..a lot of people just prefere not taking the risk to make a pacific contact with others..i found since my first games that in the big towns the major part of people only wants a nice weapon and someone giving them a blood transfusion..poor bambies

I would honestly like to see humanity done away with though, as it still is wonky how I get penalized when I return fire for being shot at.

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your hero skin shows that you put a lot of efforts in being friendly

Hero skin proves that you blood bag a lot of people, that's about it.

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Hero skin proves that you blood bag a lot of people, that's about it.

True, like I said, do away with humanity and replace with unlockable clothing, respective to what you do, banditry, healing, hunting, whatever...

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I am playing on the PDR servers. They have a cool "Green Zone" rule which basically means that you can't kill anyone when you are on the south coast. Makes it much easier to find friendly co-op, but also allows for a great bandit action. When you get killed, re equiping with or without help is a lot faster because of the Green Zone. Check it out. www.pdrserver.co.uk

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