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I killed an entire server!

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Some Backstory:

Last night, as a fresh spawn, I came across two bodies outside at the ATC in Balota. Nothing too exceptional, but I managed to loot an AKM, g17 and Alice off of them. As there was still another pack and an 870 to be had, I called my friend over and held down the place until he arrived. After being geared, we decided to check the spawns to see if there was any extra ammo for our guns lying around. To our surprise, we found a Mp5SD, prefect for zombie clearing. With the firepower question taken care of, all that was left was to find enough food and some tools to head north.

Here begins the story:

The server was veteran (no crosshair or 3rd person), so the population was tiny, only about 5 players(two of which were my friend and I). Keeping this in mind, we decided to hit up the Cherno apartments for food, reasoning that we wouldn't find anyone there.

We were wrong.

While rummaging through the back apartment(the short one behind the row of three), I heard a makarov shot ring out. I checked with my friend, and he didn't do it. With the realization that there are others about, I tell my mate to bunker down in his building and head to the roof of mine. A minute passes; then another. Finally, I see a survivor run in front of the hospital and stop. One AKM round to the face and he dropped(1/3). Just as I thought the coast was clear his buddy runs up to the body. I, startled, pull my aim back on target and fire. First shot's no good, it hits the body. I take a second, measured shot. Still nothing; the survivor was still on their feet. At this point I give up on trigger discipline and keep shooting until their body lies limp and broken on the ground(2/3). Unfortunately, the commotion had attracted about 50 zombies to me (the damn AKM is really loud), and I was under siege. I pulled out my g17 and started killing zombies as they shimmied up the ladder to the roof. With me incapacitated for the time being, my friend moved in to check on the bodies. Mostly junk, except for another AKM and a GPS(!). Figuring the area was safe, I started moving down through the building and clearing it of remaining zombies. Just as I reach the ground floor, I hear yelling over the mic. At first I think nothing of it, until my friend remarks that he's dead. I ask how, as I hadn't heard anything. Well it turns out we'd found the third other player on the server, and he had run up and hatcheted my mate, who still had his pitifully weak Mp5SD out. Upon hearing this, I raced out the front door and scanned the bodies. Nothing. I moved up cautiously, hiding in a bush. Soon enough, the hatchet man ran round the corner of the hospital and headed towards the bodies. Expecting a pack full of loot, he got a face full of bullets. (3/3)

And that's how I killed an entire server (ok, it was lowpop, but still).

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That's awesome! You guys want a team, click the link in my signature, will take you to a thread right on the forums.

Read up, apply if you'd like, and if all goes well, we'll all be having wild times together!

Edited by Neko-san

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Entire server he says..

Nothing to see here.

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If I go onto a server that has no one else on, and I kill myself, have I killed the entire server? :D

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Entire server he says..

Nothing to see here.

What were you expecting? Something where it was like, "We saw an entire clan of people around Cherno. We took position and [insert story here]. Ended up taking out 15 guys all armed with weapons from Enfields to DMRs.

How many kills have you gotten in rapid succession in one town in less than one hour when they are not all part of a group?

And it's not like he's going around parading, "I am a DayZ master! I killed an entire server of 3 people! Bow down and proclaim me lord or meet the same fate!". But I guess I can't stop you from being jealous.

Edited by Neko-san

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Entire server he says..

Nothing to see here.

Honestly the kills weren't that special. It was more the fact that I found running into all the other players on a five person server in the span of 5 minutes, and in cherno no less, amusing and decided to share.

EDIT: sorry if necroing, only just now noticed the timestamp on last post.

Edited by NeutralInCherno

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Honestly the kills weren't that special. It was more the fact that I found running into all the other players on a five person server in the span of 5 minutes, and in cherno no less, amusing and decided to share.

EDIT: sorry if necroing, only just now noticed the timestamp on last post.

your story was good and amusing no worries.

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