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(Poll) Would You like to have more weapons in DAYZ?!

Would you like to have more WEAPONS in DAYZ?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have more WEAPONS in DAYZ?

    • Overall YES(no matter what they are!)
    • YES for weapons that are already in game (ARMA 2 and OA : like mk17,g36)
    • YES only for costume made ones(like double bareled and winchester)
    • YES only for melee weapons
    • Maybe...
    • Absolutley not!
    • NO ,they should even remove some weapons that are already in dayz

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So i decided to make one pole to see weather or not you(ppl) would like to have more weapons in dayz?!

REMEMBER : that in dayz should be included balanced weapons taht are NOT OP like termal snipers..so if you chose yes you are voting for balanced weapons

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Dont need more, just more variety. What is needed is less ammo especially of the military variety

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Dont need more, just more variety. What is needed is less ammo especially of the military variety

I agree here. Military ammo should be quite rare, especially for high-powered rifles. I want finding a sustainable supply of ammo for even the lowly Makarov to be an accomplishment--finding an overabundance of AK ammo on a constant basis is just nonsense.

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I'd like to see more variation in melee weapons, civilian weapons and hunting weapons. I'd like to see new military weapons, but I'd really like to see top tier weapons become much harder to find.

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More melee weapons. Even something like a Steel pipe in the piles of junk on the streets would make things a bit easier as opposed to having to find either a gun, hatchet or a crowbar

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Larger variety across the board, significantly more melee weapons, significantly reduced military weapon spawn, and significantly less ammo spawn across the board. High-powered military rifles like the AS50 should be one of the rarest items in the game by a larger margin than they are currently--I want to play for a hundred hours and not come across one. I'm absolutely okay with people trying to murder me constantly, but I want it to be with Makarovs and lead pipes rather than AS50s and DMRs. In my "perfect" DayZ world, a CZ550 is a high-end find, and an AS50 is almost unheard of.

Edited by brent2
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