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Day 145

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Logged on once 145 days ago,

Logged on once today. :lol:

In all seriousness, if you don't die all the time, you're not doing it right.

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And still no ghillie suit? You had to stay in the forests and play on 0 populated servers for all the time... Give us your zombie kills, or else that doesn't count.

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Ive only been killed unintentionally by a zombie twice, once the zombie bugged out and one shotted me, the second time I fired a lee enfield at nw airfield Nuff said. The other ten million deaths are usually by player, bugs, or suicide.

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Getting a ghillie suit means going to places that it would be incautious to go to.

Getting zombie kills means you've fucked up, in my book.

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Seems an incredibly boring way to play, where is the challenge?

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Chernarus is the easiest place to do this.. last that long on namalsk.. and i'll give you beans..

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Fine picky, I'm installing Namalsk now.

We will see. haha. I'm expecting a pretty sharp learning curve. Been playing on Chernarus for years.

Dudes. I'm like the ONE guy on the forum whose post isn't about how Dayz needs to have experience levels, skills, no PVP servers, or about pooping in the standalone, or how we need to add 50,000 more Soviet bloc guns to the game.

Can't we just celebrate something that one player feels like is an accomplishment?

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It's definitely an achievement, just not one I'd have strived for.

Survival is supposed to be a challenge in and of itself, but it's the constant threat that you're meant to distract yourself from. It shouldn't be your primary goal.

I understand everyone's got their own way of playing, I just don't see the point of an online game if you spend all your time avoiding people.

Go be a medic or something.

It's risky. But it's also rewardy.

Namalsk isn't all it's cracked up to be IMO.

It's good for a change. But once you get the map sussed, it's not the hardcore challenge everyone makes it out to be.

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Fine picky, I'm installing Namalsk now.

We will see. haha. I'm expecting a pretty sharp learning curve. Been playing on Chernarus for years.

Dudes. I'm like the ONE guy on the forum whose post isn't about how Dayz needs to have experience levels, skills, no PVP servers, or about pooping in the standalone, or how we need to add 50,000 more Soviet bloc guns to the game.

Can't we just celebrate something that one player feels like is an accomplishment?


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Appreciate the perspective Chabowski.

It's food for thought. I just got high enough in days survived that I'm quite scared to ruin it... I'm sure you can relate.

Some noobs in ghillies and a Huey landed basically ON TOP of me the other day by the gas station in Berezino, I couldn't even bring myself to shoot them after getting a few hundred meters away. They were like rich bambis, their over-gearedness (not a word, I know) made me feel even worse for them.

Maybe I'm getting toothless in my old age.

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days alive doesn't mean much

Dude. It's the only thing resembling points displayed in the game.

Also, it being a sandbox game, don't we assign our own meaning to the stuff we do?

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May it be crazy to these people, good job. You have a goal and youre making it happen. Not much but you can have my beans!

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I survived 46 days living in cherno hunting bandits, well sniping them only for a hacker to kill me in the end. I always play 10-20 people servers and have been fine. Ive had a few close calls, but im kinda dissapointed more about losing 46 days then all my gear (which I luckily got most back from a noob hacker running around in cherno when I respawned on another server)

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Best I had was a 40+ days Hero, until a bus full of LMG bandits teleported behind me and my buddy while we were trying to fix an ATV.

It's no biggie though. Most of my long-term surviving has been entirely flukey.

It's pretty much a guarantee those ghillie guys would pop you if you got spotted, if only to protect their chopper.

The survival time will be a major accomplishment in SA, with all the diseases floating about.

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Dayum dude, you are elderly xD

Nah but all things aside if you just run around and hide and do not take any risks it must get pretty boring at some stage,We all have our achievements but that must be a pretty boring life :/

Atm my character is 32 days old and I am constantly in fights etc

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I think most here (not all) knocking it are because they are a little jelly. ;)

If that's the type of play you like and have avoided bandits that long, more power to you. Beats the hell out of someone complaining about bambits. Bambits? The new term for a noob bandit. LOL!!

This guy has found an entertaining way to play the game and has done it well. Till you all do it I wouldn't knock it so fast. I admit I would be bored to tears playing like that but any type of game play that doesn't break rules or encourages bitching in the forums is a good thing. Tis a sandbox after all

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Congratulations on the accomplishment. Survival is the ultimate goal of this game, despite what others have said here.


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Survival is the ultimate goal of this game, despite what others have said here.
Survival may be the ultimate goal, but anyone can make their "days survived" reach stupidly high numbers, simply by not logging on.

Survival hasn't yet become a real challenge.

DayZ hasn't even begun.

I've been viewing the MOD as the chance for us to explore as many facets of this global post-apocalyptic interactivity as we can.

Simply staying alive for 145 dayz must have came at the cost of many missed opportunities.

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I've been viewing the MOD as the chance for us to explore as many facets of this global post-apocalyptic interactivity as we can.

Simply staying alive for 145 dayz must have came at the cost of many missed opportunities.

The OP has mentioned encountering other players. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not creeping the woods on empty servers at night. The ultimate outcome of encounters with other players does not have to be gunplay, or even communication. Silently stalking well-geared players brings with it a thrill in its own right.

There are many ways to enjoy this game. The OP has one that most of us do not have the patience to enjoy, but this does not make it any less of an accomplishment than 100 murders or getting your hero skin or whatever else the rest of us use to measure our own performance.

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Chernarus is the easiest place to do this.. last that long on namalsk.. and i'll give you beans..

I lasted about 3 minutes, first time. Got too used to my gear. Thanks for the reality check.

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That's because Namalsk is a VERY strange map. I found a LMG and PWD within my first 10 minutes. Took me over 30 minutes to find food or water. Food/water < Weapon. Feels a bite more like a shooter than a survival RPG :(

PS. congratulations on the insane survival, you are beaten the game. What now?

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