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DayZ Bounty Hunters

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DayZ Bounty Hunters

Have you recently been killed by some thundercunt bandit, just so he can have your beans?

Is there a guy on your server who constantly brags about his loot, or his love for killing innocents?

Well, not anymore. I have begun to set up a small operation, and with a few vehicles, some coke and beans, and a very high powered sniper rifle, I'd like to make all of your problems go away.

Simply reply or PM me the persons name, his last known location, the server he was on (Optional), and any other information that could be helpful, and I will do my best to hunt him down, and put a bullet through his tiny brain.

I ask of nothing in return, except for maybe some quick meds, or food/drink. Once the kill takes place, I will give you the location of the body and you may have all of your foe's loot, no questions asked.

And if you try to set me up, I assure you, even if you do kill me, you will not be alive for much longer.

Happy Hunting,


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Yeah man, please kill =SWF=sfscriv and =SWF=Tazimafied on the PCGN server. Tell them WarGameKlok sends his regards. Thanks!

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Nice idea, my bro and me hunting bandits who are on the "lets kill innocent bambis at the coast/cherno/elektro" trip but that´s a nice idea. :D

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I'll gift a copy of the DayZ stand alone through Steam,when it's available, to the first player (new to the PCGN server) that kills sfscriv and provides proof. Starting right now.

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Yeah man, please kill =SWF=sfscriv and =SWF=Tazimafied on the PCGN server. Tell them WarGameKlok sends his regards. Thanks!

What's the current value of the bounty on these two fine gentlemen?

I see that I am now a "Wanted" man... Tracking down this convict will not be a simple task. After the outbreak, survival was a day-to-day challenge. The hurdles are not as tall as they once were. I feel confident I will live a long life and my in-game character will smile over the bodies of those who have tried, but failed to snuff out the light.

See you on the Battlefield!


p.s. Taz sends his regards, as well

Edited by sfscriv
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I will grow a full head of hair and a beard that touches the floor before I drop into the old pine box.

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I think your days are numbered my freind :( Time to polish up that ole pine box. Cookies and milk will be served at your wake!

I might sweeten this deal. Let me see if my vehicle is still where I left it.

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If you're ever around DE 1662, my buddy and I were playing, trying desperately to repair a stupid blue van around Solnichniy. 2 assclowns from AUF were flying over the coast in a choppa. At first I thought they weren't hostiles.


They just hadn't noticed us. Soon they turn around and come right for us. We bail into the factory amidst gunfire. They back off and we log off the server for about 30 min hoping they've left. We come back, nope they're still flying up and down the coast. The blow up the car we were trying to repair. We didn't even try and take any shots at them.

Those people are just the frikin WORST, if they were at least bandits in the heartland I'd understand, but this was just screwing with noobs for no reason.

If you're ever around there, drop those idiots. I've got some morphine, bloodbags or M107 mags I can throw your way if you're looking for reimbursement.

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After being gently delivered to the spot by helicopter...

Can I jump off the top of the Cherno city hall clock tower to collect the prize myself?

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:D Nice try.

However, I can donate a vehicle(it's there as of this minute) and a M14 AIM to anybody who chooses to accept the challenge! Happy Hunting!

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challenge accepted! i have been longing for vengeance on the "supermarket cereal killer" known as sfscriv

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Challenge accepted! I have been longing for vengeance on the "supermarket cereal killer" known as sfscriv.

He snuck into the back of the grocery store for a box of cereal and ended up looking like swiss cheese.


And, here is one where Bobo wanted to snag a box of cereal out of the kitchen cubbard in my castle.


This is a different type of vermin. When the PCGN Private server went live with fresh characters, I caught this rat trying to discover my cache of cereal in the barn.


Edited by sfscriv

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He snuck into the back of the grocery store for a box of cereal and ended up looking like swiss cheese.


And, here is one where Bobo wanted to snag a box of cereal out of the kitchen cubbard in my castle.


This is a different type of vermin. When the PCGN Private server went live with fresh characters, I caught this rat trying to discover my cache of cereal in the barn.


You're still alive. *googleyeyesadface*

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is for somebody to kill scriv for me and send me a nice screenshot, vid would be better yet.


your pal,


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Still roaming freely. Had a good firefight where I dropped two hostiles today.

WargameKlok, I think I will be posting your image soon. There will likely be a number of those crimson fountains squirting from your body in the picture. Don't get too worked up about the visual aspect of the encounter. It should be a quick death.

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Dude, are they dead yet?

I have gotten several requests, and am almost done with the ones before you, so soon you shall bathe in the blood of your enemies, and deck yourself in the loot they once called their own.

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Still roaming freely. Had a good firefight where I dropped two hostiles today.

WargameKlok, I think I will be posting your image soon. There will likely be a number of those crimson fountains squirting from your body in the picture. Don't get too worked up about the visual aspect of the encounter. It should be a quick death.

I like your style and respect your committment to making bambi's lives hell. And even though you would be a pleasure to work with while in my bandit days, I promise that I will hunt you, and I will kill you.

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I have gotten several requests, and am almost done with the ones before you, so soon you shall bathe in the blood of your enemies, and deck yourself in the loot they once called their own.

I got dibbs on his NVGs w00t!

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sfscriv It seems you have gathered a great pile of hate in your banditry days. I have great respect for you bro, I have also gathered the same type of hate in my old server but sadly I abandoned it because it is usually empty :(

Bandits unite!

Edited by BCaused

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It seems I may have beaten you all to the punch on Scriv, Iwazzio, & Lambourne have also fallen at the hands of our group in just the past 2 days, multiple times, however I have not seen Tazimafied on for a while, so we have not been able to get a kill on him yet :(. Anyways after we finished them on a cold Chernarus night, we decided to count our loot before continuing on to drop off some newly acquired gear :).


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Still roaming freely.

Wait....what? Lookin pretty dead to me :D Hey man, how are the waves today,,you bring your board? I hear there's a nice break off the Kamenka pier, beware of rips, Locals, and pollution!

I got dibbs on your Coyote pack and NVGs! That car is lookin kinda nice as well :D

Edited by WargameKlok

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