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How is ping determined in DayZ ?

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So me and a buddy play a lot of diff games and for some reason on most DayZ servers he will have a solid ping of 25-30MS while mine is 40-250MS, even tho we live 2 blocks away from each other..his internet package is 2X my speed (his is 6MB Down/1up, mine is 3MB DOWN/500KB up) but that shouldn't cause my ping to be 250-300+..? I am wondering because I get kicked every like hour or so when ping hits 300ish

His is always 25-30MS..never gets above that..so why does mine shoot up so high, I thot programs in background doing it but nothing in resource monitor

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Ping is, in all games, the time it takes for your computer to send a message to the server, then receive a message from the server in response. One thing that might help is updating your router.

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Do you have multiple connections on your router?

Wifi, Phones, laptops?

My ping goes mental when the son turns on his Xbob, the misses turns on her I-pad and the neighbors use their hair dryers!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Do you have multiple connections on your router?

Wifi, Phones, laptops?

My ping goes mental when the son turns on his Xbob, the misses turns on her I-pad and the neighbors use their hair dryers!

My computer is the only thing connected to the internet..and from what I can tell nothing interferes with the connection

DayZ is the first game I have played where I connect to a server that tells me 20ping and after connecting my ping shoots up into the 100s/200s, every other game is fine..such as CSS, L4D, WoW, HoN where when I connect to a server telling me 20 ping..while playing it stays 20-30MS..DayZ on other hand..

My friend has no problem..we have the same ISP and router provided by that ISP..the only difference is the packages, 3MB is still pretty decent download..is fast enough for the price I pay..and again this is the first game where I have been effected this way so what could be causing it..

I thought maybe there is something interferring so after I got kicked from the server for high ping again I went and loaded up CSS and played for a while..my ping stayed 30-35MS in a server with 50 people..but on DayZ when I connect to a 20MS server it instantly goes to 40MS when I first load then starts rising from there on til I get kicked after about an hour, nothing is showing up in Resource Monitor as using network other then arma2ao and the svhost.exe's, which the svhost's only are using like 5-20 send/recieve at any given time..is same when I am playing other games or not so that can't be what it is..

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you could easily be on different exchanges, with different loads and equipment.

the cabling in/outside your house could be wildly different.


Edited by Dankine

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You could always complain to the your ISP and say you have high ping all the time. They'll usually step by step you through some useless troubleshooting to see if your ping is actually high. I would just tell them to reset your connection from their control center. Usually worked for me when I had ping problems. If all else fails, tell them you have a defective modem/router and need a replacement.

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