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No Sense in Dying Alone *Revival* [Recruiting - Closed]

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I understand what you mean that i lack confidence of seem that i don't but i do but the reason why i don't show up saying that i'm awesome or i shouldn't be turned down because to some i look like a cocky bastard or the other i look like an idiot. Take for example what happened to the other guy you said stop trying to impress you i forgot his post but its on 1 or 2 page of the forum. I was not trying to over impress you to think i'm some hotshot but i am an experienced player, i will cooperate with a team, and i will share with a team hell i even have a as50 with m107 rounds that if your sniper needs to take down a target hell i'll give him it or let him use it to take down a heavily armed hostile i do don't believe in over doing a simple fill out i just put on whats required like you asked nothing more nothing less.

Not trying to bring you down or anything, but that was difficult for me to read, as I didn't quite understand your wording. Nevertheless, I get the drift, but you keep in mind that there is no room for you on here, atleast not yet. Though, you said your application will probably get denied. Still, you had good reason to say so, but this should never be said yourself, only thought. It makes me think, "Gosh, why am I reading this if this guy expects NOT to be accepted???"

Edited by Neko-san

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Not trying to bring you down or anything, but that was difficult for me to read, as I didn't quite understand your wording. Nevertheless, I get the drift, but you keep in mind that there is no room for you on here, atleast not yet. Though, you said your application will probably get denied. Still, you had good reason to say so, but this should never be said yourself, only thought. It makes me think, "Gosh, why am I reading this if this guy expects NOT to be accepted???"

As i no saying probably get denied looks like a sad thing to do and yes i do know that the group is full i just put mine up there in case if there is an opening have a nice day

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