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Mr Fluffy

Looking for MATURE players

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We are currently looking for mature players ages 18+ to come join us in our private hive server and teamspeak.

We are not a clan, nor are we affiliated with any clan. Clans are for the weak, and rely on followers to fill their ranks to mindlessly follow arbitrary orders.

We look for independent, intelligent, and articulate players. Join The Revolution

About Us:

We are a rag tag group of survivors made up of 15-20 active daily players from all over the globe including the United States, Canada, and European Union.

We range in ages from 15-50 (the teens were grandfathered in) and only ask that you are mature 18+. (exceptions may apply)

There is no membership fee, or committment, or requirement as we are not a clan, and you are free to come and go as you please.

Our group holds no heirarchy or chain of command and you answer to no one, other than respecting admin wishes.

Whether you like to camp a high traffic area, and wait for the prey to come to you, or assault a town with a squad of highly armed survivors, we may be what you are looking for.

About our Server:

It is a private hive based in Texas, United States

Currently running Namalsk map, but more are on their way

Has 2 unbiased, fair active admins, with more to come

Maximum land vehicles (over 20 at all times)

3-4 Helicopters in game

4-6 Water vehicles

3rd person, Daytime only, kill messages on, side chat enabled (no voice, only text)

If you are interested, feel free to reply to this post, or come right into our team speak if you feel like playing with us now. (TS is hosted from New York)


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Typically we play between noon eastern time to 4am eastern time and beyond. Like I said, we do have a couple European players, so they play at different hours as well. The server is 24 hour day time, so you can play whenever, and all you have to do is hop in our team speak to see who is playing.

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Still looking for mature players! Come on in and join us! Whether you are a bandit who wants to hunt us down one by one, or a survivor who wants to add to the team effort, come on in and have some DayZ fun!

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