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Andrew C

Andrew and Friends looking for more Friends

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Name: Wurstel

IGN: [bP] Wurstel

Location: RS

Player: Survivor

Experience: Several Months

Job: Being a Pirate yarrgghh

Interests: Another [bP] reporting in with a free bump

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Welcome friends. Check your pm. See you on. Stay safe stay alive have fun

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Name: Devin

In-Game Name: [bP] MisterProPants

Location: State / Providence, Country

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. Survivor

Experience: 6 months ish

Job: Exotic Dancer

Interests: Also from [bP]/ having fun

Edited by MisterProPants

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Name: Nate

IGN: [bP] Shirovorg[

Location: EST

Player: Survivor

Experience: Two weeks

Job: I be a ninja!

Interests: Another [bP] ready to start the fun!

Edited by shirovorg

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Name: Jordan( JOR-duhn )

Age: 16 (16 years, 1 month, 8 days)

In-Game Name: Jaawdan (Pronouced like Jaw-dan, just emphasize the a)

Location: 'Murica City (38.4219* N, 77.4086* W)

Kind of Player: Passive Aggressive Professional

Experience: MLG (3.4 KDR), I've been Kingpin of a server, big deal, a year or less.

Job: Young Ballah at the Intellectual Academic Learning of 'Murica for the citizens of 'Murica City.

Interest: I wonna be, the very best, that no one ever was.

I am with BP, with Beck and all them. ^_^

I like the faction idea btw, was top dog in faction stuff too.

Edited by Jaawdan
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Name: tAiNtD

IGN: tAiNtD - Registration with [bP] pending

Location: EST

Player: Survivor

Experience: One Week

Job: Male Stripper

Interests: Future [bP] looking for fun.

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Name: Matthew Age: 14

In-Game Name: [bP] xHAWKEYEx

Location: California, United States

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience: 3 months

Job: N/A

Interests: I am interested in racing and military sims. Dayz is a somewhat realistic when it comes to surviving in a apocalypse. Although i do not believe that a zombie apocalypse is possible, I love playing it. FROM BP READY FOR FUN!

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Wow! Welcome friends check your pm or talk to your clan leader for the password. Have fun. Faction wars start this weekend I believe since we have enough people now.

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Name: Carl

Age: 18

In-Game Name: [bP] Captain_Crumpet

Location: England

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience: Not much, I've played a lot with [bP]

Job: None

Interests: Mostly gaming

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Name:Shane Age:20

In-Game Name:Shane814

Location: State / Providence, Country Florida, US

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. Survivor wanting to be a Hero

Experience: 4 months

Job: Valet

Interests: Basketball, Paintball, Firefighter/Medic

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Hey everyone. Still looking for some lost souls wanting a good server. Be sure to read the faction laws. They are very important! Stay alive, Stay safe, have fun!

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Name: Ryan

Age: 20

In Game Name: alQaedaHunter

Location: Virginia, USA

Kind of Player: Survivor

Experience: Few weeks

Job: Hunting al Qaeda members

Interests: Music, sports, gaming

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Name: (IRL) Eoin (in game) [bP]wardem Age:14

Location: Ireland

Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero survivor

Hobbies: sailing swimming water sports :D

Edited by wardem3

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Name: Steven Age:16

In-Game Name: [bP] Steven

Location: Australia, vic

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. survivor

Experience: july 2012

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David, 15

IGN: Dwarthen

US, tx


XP: 1d, 12h, 19m, 27s

Job: I'm a student tutor

Interest: Computers, Building Computers, Fixing Computers, Playing With Computers, ect.

Looking forward to playing with you guys (:

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Name:Anthony Age: 16

In-Game Name:[bP] Rex Antiquis

Location: US

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience: 1 year

Job: none

Interests: PC gaming

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Name: Matthew Age: 15

In-Game Name: [bP] MrCatface

Location: Queensland Australia

Kind of player: Survivior/ aspiring hero

Experience: ~7months

Job: Student

Interests: Gaming

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Welcome Mr.Catface. check your pm or get the info from beck.

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