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New Hack(?) Entire Cities Moved: AU Servers

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Herp Derp


AVA Gaming

In every server most of cherno was gone. I saw it being moved away. It was something out of howles moving castle. The entire hotel was floating, went along the coast and dissapeared towards cap golova. Video coming tommorrow. WTF is going on.


Edited by Trizzo

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Eager to see this video. That sounds absolutely off.

Fingers crossed next BattlEye update bans people doing this.

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i lol'd ''howles moving castle'' + yeah dafuq if people can do that then i've lost hope in the game until standalone :(

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Wow...and I thought teleporting and spawning of gear was bad enough

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How's it done? Using an other Oeration Arrowhead mod 'with' DayZ? Looks like a mission/map desiner-type :huh:

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Dafuq... That's insane, if that is indeed hackers then all might be lost for the current mod. I do hope it is some server mod for admins and they were doing it.

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