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American-ized Map

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As an American I would like the ability to play on a map that looks more like home. I know an entirely new map would be a lot of work, therefore I would like to suggest an "American-ized" version of Chernarus.

Things to do to make Chernarus look more like the USA:

Of course change the names of the cities and put up new road signs to match. Chernogorsk could become Chicago, Electro could be Detroit and so forth.

There would need to be more stores, lots more. No matter where you were on the map you should be no more than a one hour leisurely walk to a Wal-Mart. And each Wal-Mart would contain unimaginable amounts of every type of loot you could think of.

There should be many more gas stations. At least one per city block. Gas stations should have lots of junk food and soft drinks.

And more banks, Cherno/Chicago should have at least 5. Banks wouldn't have any useful loot however, just money and since the Zed-pocalypse money isn't very useful any longer.

Also more restaurants, especially fast food restaurants. Ten should be about enough for Cherno/Chicago. Of course restaurants would have lots of food.

And most importantly, gun shops. Every town must have at least one. Cherno/Chicago would need 2. Guns and ammo would be plentiful at the gun stores.

Also pawn shops, which would of course have more guns, ammo and all sorts of useful items like hunting knives, maps, compasses, GPS etc. Everything Wal-Mart has just on a smaller scale.

And there would absolutely need to be car dealerships. Ten seems to be a good number for the entire map of "Chernamerica". That would allow for a good mix of SUV's, muscle cars, pickup trucks etc.

The houses and barns etc. would also need to be American-ized so most of the homes would have at least one gun and a few boxes of ammo. about 10% of the homes would have a dozen or more guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo. There should also be vehicles at some of the homes, a typical mixture of cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's and boats and motor homes.

I think that should about do it. Playing on the above described map would be just like home for me and for many other Americans I am sure.

:D :D :D

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You are being sarcastic or trolling a bit right?

You bad boy! ;)

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Also Cherno zombies are too skinny!

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Also Cherno zombies are too skinny!

Exactly!! We need fat American-ized zombies! Wearing stretch pants and bedroom slippers.

But to be fair, there also need to be some skinny chicks in halter tops and shorts zombies too. And the should have tramp stamps.

:D :P

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No. Cherno is perfect as it is

Perfect? No, not perfect.

It at least needs big American Automobile with FINS!!!

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lol. well as an American I can say that if there was a DayZ based in America, it would be FAR too easy. Every 3rd house or so would have a locker full of hunting rifles, shotguns, and AR15s stuffed away in some closet. God I love this place (not being xenophobic, I just like how prepared we are for zombies):D

In more serous terms, it would be cool if there were some maps that had more enter-able buildings. (maybe the new Czech DLC)

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I'll hold my tongue out of British good manners.

But, my word, what a ridiculous suggestion by the OP.

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^He's obviously trolling (he used almost every American stereotype out there)

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Let's take this one step further:

Add different nationality bullets, but you can't kill an American with anything but American bullets.

"Try shooting me with American bullets, it's the only bullet I recognize!"

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Theres already a billion games set in the USA why does this need to become another one?

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What ever happened to those days where zombies where just the one guy that had somehow managed to replicate/duplicate himself into a zombie army...

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As an American I would like the ability to play on a map that looks more like home. I know an entirely new map would be a lot of work' date=' therefore I would like to suggest an "American-ized" version of Chernarus.

Things to do to make Chernarus look more like the USA:

Of course change the names of the cities and put up new road signs to match. Chernogorsk could become Chicago, Electro could be Detroit and so forth.

There would need to be more stores, lots more. No matter where you were on the map you should be no more than a one hour leisurely walk to a Wal-Mart. And each Wal-Mart would contain unimaginable amounts of every type of loot you could think of.

There should be many more gas stations. At least one per city block. Gas stations should have lots of junk food and soft drinks.

And more banks, Cherno/Chicago should have at least 5. Banks wouldn't have any useful loot however, just money and since the Zed-pocalypse money isn't very useful any longer.

Also more restaurants, especially fast food restaurants. Ten should be about enough for Cherno/Chicago. Of course restaurants would have lots of food.

And most importantly, gun shops. Every town must have at least one. Cherno/Chicago would need 2. Guns and ammo would be plentiful at the gun stores.

Also pawn shops, which would of course have more guns, ammo and all sorts of useful items like hunting knives, maps, compasses, GPS etc. Everything Wal-Mart has just on a smaller scale.

And there would absolutely need to be car dealerships. Ten seems to be a good number for the entire map of "Chernamerica". That would allow for a good mix of SUV's, muscle cars, pickup trucks etc.

The houses and barns etc. would also need to be American-ized so most of the homes would have at least one gun and a few boxes of ammo. about 10% of the homes would have a dozen or more guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo. There should also be vehicles at some of the homes, a typical mixture of cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's and boats and motor homes.

I think that should about do it. Playing on the above described map would be just like home for me and for many other Americans I am sure.

:D :D :D


Do it we will watch you.

Creating arma maps as an extremely long and tedious undertaking.

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....That's kind of stupid. You do know right, Russians play this, Australians play this. Italians play this, and more.

So you want a map dedicated to America because you're from their?

What about the other people, who are wanting a map to feel more 'home like'.

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It's like you people are all aspies and couldn't understand glaring sarcasm if it was mauling your faces and breaking your legs from shifty fall damage.


:D :D :D :D

Some people are on a "hate anything American" hair trigger so they can't catch the intended humor!

I thought Obama was supposed to make America loved world wide???

:D :D :D :D :D :D

guns in chicago ? i thought they were banned in that city ?

See, now THERE is humor!!!!!

No guns in Chicago because they are "banned"!! Hilarious!!


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There is a lot... and that is no joke a lot of work that goes into even making the simplest of maps, if you are serious. Go over to BIS forums, befriend IceBreakr, and start the process.

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