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90 fov and ironsight/scopes

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So I changed my field of view and was aware that i'd have to adjust the mildots to make up for it. However, I'm also noticing normal ironsights are way off. Firing from a m16 or any other weapon, the bullets seem to travel upward. Obviously, targets which are within 50m I don't notice anything. However, anything beyond and it's a clear miss on the target, with the bullet going above my aim dot.

Has anyome else changed their fov and how do you make up for this?

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I changed my FOV to the equivalent of about 80, haven't had many problems. I knew this was an issue before I changed it though, probably would have gone higher with it otherwise.

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I dont know anything about the ins or outs of f o v switching, but it sounds as though you may have gotten the math for the ratio of screen height to screen width wrong. I'd check that first.


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So I changed my field of view and was aware that i'd have to adjust the mildots to make up for it. However, I'm also noticing normal ironsights are way off. Firing from a m16 or any other weapon, the bullets seem to travel upward. Obviously, targets which are within 50m I don't notice anything. However, anything beyond and it's a clear miss on the target, with the bullet going above my aim dot.

Has anyome else changed their fov and how do you make up for this?

Are you by chance firing sd ammo with a regular gun?

I use a fov of 90 and aiming with irons/dots are fine.

Edited by OFC_Bill

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I have over (or just) 90 and it's fine for me.

Edited by Sutinen

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use default fov and press 2x numpad [-]. works wonder

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Sd ammo travels up? I don't specifically recall, but I'm sure at one point I was. However, I've noticed the issue with makrov and 1911 too.

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Nice catch IFC_bill.

Yes s d ammo hits above the crosshairs if fired from a non silenced gun


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It also might be because the zeroing is fixed. I've had this on some ArmA weapons.

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