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Loot spawns and Zeds in

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This is posted in server general as I want only admin's to respond - please don't move it

OK yesterday On my updated ( Server:

I jumped in to my camo UAZ, was going to do chopper crashes. four (4) K circle from the center of the map.

I was alone with my M4 SD and M9 SD.

I went to four (4) different chopper crashes and No Zed's spawned. We use to see the crew Zed's at least but no nothing for Zed's

Loot was five (5) Fal's, three (3) M14's and a single bision. Oh and one (1) camo clothing - there was some medical also.

Is this what we can expect now or was it just because I was alone??

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I don't think you need an admin to qualify to answer this.

A jackpot like that is not normal. If it's a private hive, they possibly have custom loot-rates, or something glitched out.

Or were the FALs, M14s and other loot seen over several crash sites? If so, that's totally normal.

(You've worded it a little weird, so I'm not exactly sure what exactly you've found, or where.)

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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probably someone else had the loot spawning by getting close, and you went close too quickly(vehicle!) to make spawn zombies in, if you do that normally you don't get even the loot, it's because of this that i say that someone was there before making it spawn for you

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OK - This is why I wanted other admin's to answer this.

This is a test server till standalone.

The server is MINE (private hive) - no custom spawn or loot tables.

Server had been restarted a few minutes before I left camp.

There was no one else on since reboot - passworded server

Before even if you pulled up in a vehicle with in 30 seconds 'crew like' Zed's showed up, this did not happen even after Four (4) or five (5) minutes.

So I feel both spawn and loot tables have changed alot in this update!! Admin's ??

Edited by kb5ixd

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OK - This is why I wanted other admin's to answer this.

This is a test ser till standalone.

The server is MINE (private hive) - no custom spawn or loot tables.

Server had been restarted a few minutes before I left camp.

There was no one else on since reboot - passworded server

Before even if you pulled up in a vehicle with in 30 seconds 'crew like' Zed's showed up, this did not happen even after Four (4) or five (5) minutes.

So I feel both spawn and loot tables have changed alot in this update!! Admin's ??

I'm an admin. I have the same circumstances. No custom loot spawns, passworded. No one has been to the sites. Some have spawned Zeds while some sites spawn 0 no matter how I approach the crash site. I've had zeds at some and no zeds at some in the same restart. I wonder if it has something to do with the wrecks? I know the wrecks don't spawn any zombies. I've also had crazy loot amounts in some sites. But others seem normal. Might be just an outlier.

Also since you seem to have similar things going on, are you having issues with the Little Bird leaking fuel?

Edited by Losthursday

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Sorry no little birds - standard vehicles only.

I just thought it was 'strange' to go to four (4) different chopper crashes and no crew Zeds.

I have not changed the vehicles, spawn or loot tables.

Before crew Zeds were always at the chopper crash sites then I do the update and four (4) crashes in a row no Zeds

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If you drive a vehicle close enough to heli crash.. Zombie won't spawn............

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If you drive a vehicle close enough to heli crash.. Zombie won't spawn............

I've kind of noticed this as well, if I pull up really close on an ATV (I'm guessing the type of vehicle is meaningless), they will never spawn. I've walked around the Heli crash for 5 to 10 minutes without them ever spawning, but loot definitly does spawn. If I move out 20 or so meters, all the zombies spawn and start walking outwards from the chopper. After server restart tonight I'll try to grab it on fraps.

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I'm an admin of a private Chernarus server hosted by HFB. I am also getting reports of no zombies spawning at heli crashes and on top of that, we (myself included) are experiencing an unusual amount of "no loot" incidences. As in, the buildings won't spawn loot for hours if at all. In one incident I was farming the NWAF barracks for a few hours before they suddenly stopped spawning completely.

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