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I'm New here and Hoping to download:

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Hey there! :)

I'm new here at Dayz and I'm kind of confused on what you do to play. I am all together bad at using certain features on the computer (I actually register 3-4 times on a forum before I get how to register and make my 4th or 3rd account. Literally, this is the first forum I've ever joined where I haven't made like a 3rd account).

I was hoping you guys could tell me how to get the actual game. I went to do the downloads page and downloaded both. Well, one. The other one, the dayz with the rocket symbol I couldn't find a link and the other one was basically a commander thingy I had no idea what to do with so I uninstalled it until I found out more about what it does. If you can tell me what to do it would be great!

Also, I have one more question. Is it possible to get a car while in game? I saw several youtube videos about it and was wondering if you can actually get a car. I searched up car in youtube and was to lazy to watch the videos so I came directally here. If it's possible to ride a car I want to know what types too. If there's a wiki I would be really happy!

Anyways, I'm new here. Please help me out! Thanks! :D :thumbsup:

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Also, one more thing to add. If this requires any money or payment I can't do it. If it requires additional downloads I MAY be able to do it.

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Step 0.5:

Install ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead and run both games.

(Because they install some updates that you need.)

Note: I assume you realize that these games have to be bought through Steam.

Step 1:

Go to http://www.dayzcommander.com/

Step 2:

Click "Get DayZ Commander" at the very bottom of the page. It's a green button on the right side.

Step 3:

Install DayZ Commander and run it.

Step 4:

Click "install/update" at the top-right side of the DayZ Commander window.

Step 5:

Click "install" on ARMA 2 and DAYZ. (Make sure it says "(Latest)" in the drop-down menu.)

Step 6:

Join any server you want, right on the DayZ Commander window.

There are different types of servers; private hives and DayZ-Hives, and some servers are running different maps, even, which you can install from the DayZ Commander like you did with the ARMA 2 and DAYZ updates.

Edit; I'll do my best to give you a brief description of the differences between hives once I get back home, if someone hasn't beaten me to it.


So! Private hives. These are what I believe most of the DayZ servers are, nowadays. They are separate from one another(hence the word private), and if you will start with a new character in every server, assuming you haven't been playing on that specific server before.

(Progress is still saved, though. So if you want to continue from where you left off, just join the same server again.)

And DayZ-hives? Well, these servers are all connected to a single server, hosted by Rocket, the main developer for DayZ. If you play on ANY of the DayZ-hive servers, your progress is transferred to ALL other DayZ-hive servers. That includes, your location, your health, your gear/loot, everything.

It's rather useful for things like night-time. If it gets too dark and you can't see, you can just join a DayZ-hive server that has day-time. Though this can lead into abuse like getting yourself a rifle and climbing to a roof, then switching between servers until you see someone and kill them.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Hi Freehunter, yes payment is required. The DayZ mod is free, and there is a version of ArmaII that is also free but you need ArmaII-Combined Operations or Operation Arrowhead and that has to be bought.

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