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Hacker solution?

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So,finally had my first encounter with a hacker. In this situation, he teleported everyone to a single location with a horde of zombies, and then teleported everyone into the air and killed us with fall damage.

I have no idea if this is the standard way hackers ruin everyone's fun, and for be it from me to pretend I know more about programming than anyone working on this game, but wouldn't it be possible to make it so that when a person suddenly disappears from their location and teleports across the map, to save their progress from before they were teleported and then kick them from the server? This way we could have a defense against the act of being hacked, rather than trying to get rid of hackers themselves.

Just curious if this is possible.

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So you would rather die and lose all your equipment rather than be kicked from the server? I am astounded that THAT is where you have a problem with my idea. I'm sure there are plenty of holes in it that I don't see or know of, but your complaint is the principle of the matter that the hackers can now kick you from the server? They can already kill you so why would you complain about being kicked?

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haha yeah that was an extremely weak point to ridicule... that was actually odd that he would say that as opposed to anything else LOL

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So you think the team should make it so that the hackers are able to kick the whole server, any time they want, as long as they want. Yea, I think I'd rather die. This isn't a 'solution', its just a new way for the hackers to make our lives harder.

Edited by SonicRainbrony

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Due to the open nature of ArmA 2 it's kinda hard to stop hackers. More and more people are being banned these days though.

The standalone will be a lot less open to modding etc. therefore hopefully a lot harder to hack and easier to maintain.

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youre right its a lot of power to bestow upon the almighty hackers. but really why do hackers do it? probably mostly for the lulz i would think? theres nothing really funny about kicking everyone off a server, and it doesnt ruin their game only inconveniences it so the sociopaths would be less likely to indulge since their victims suffer less. i truely believe that many hackers wouldnt even bother, since they probably would find it boring. honestly ive laughed at a lot of hacks ive had inflicted on me... i imagine the hacker is busting a gut, that seems like the biggest incentive.

im probably wrong though. who can tell whats going on in those twisted minds...

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Hello there

It's not what's in their minds, it's the lack of stuffing in their Undies.

I don't script and mine's enormous. (in my mind, actually I'm hung like a shrew)

Seriously, it is odd how and why folk script/grief/troll etc. some psychologist will make their fortunes out of it one day.



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honestly ive laughed at a lot of hacks ive had inflicted on me... i imagine the hacker is busting a gut, that seems like the biggest incentive.
The FIRST time maybe, but I like to think even the script kiddies would have the mental capacity to get bored.
It's not what's in their minds, it's the lack of stuffing in their Undies.
or there might have been a lot of "bad" touching going on at some point.

Some unresolved issues regarding a half-remembered "uncle".....

.....Welcome to Thunderdome....

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The reason hacking is such a big issue on Arma II is that on Arma II, scripting wasn't necessarily encouraged, but scripting was how you made missions etc, so it was a normal part of the game...

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Maybe every hacker/griefer/scripter just had an unpleasant run in with Uncle Touchy's puzzle dungeon when they were little.

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