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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

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Server name: DayZ DE 1228 [NEW] PietSmiet FanServer 70+ Vehicles! Side Channel On(v1.7.4.4/build 99113)[GMT-5] - hosted by The12Neopomuk


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: I've been playing for half a year on this server today after I had killed 2 survivors in electro I was spellbound by an admin due to hacking.Then my friend asked why I was spellbound reply to that : 1. There is no admin online 2. why should the admin to worry about such a trifle 3. Shut your mouth

For this reason I report this because server admins abuse their powers and i hope that i will unbanned or the server will be closed.

Dear User,

first of all: We are not abusing our adminrights. Please tell me your Ingamename and your GUID and I will check why you get banned. Our Server does not even exist a half of a year, also we do not ban player which kills survivors. Everyone is allowed to do that, himself is choosing, which way he is like to play.

€: Its the wrong IP-Adress.

best regards,

Server Admin on DE 1228,


Edited by Brooh

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: US 2941 chernarus


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: the admin was setting up whitelisting i emailed the email it said then the server let me join then the admin kicked me then kicked me again then the 3rd time he banned me, he said he did not like my name, clan name.

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Server name: * us2941

IP: *

Map: * chernarus

Reason of reporting: * the admin was setting up whitelisting so i sent the emil that it said to do then i joined and got kicked by admin 2 times then a ban the admin said in emai that he did not like me name

Evidence links: *this is what he said Heh. Friendly one, aren't you? Advice for next time: may want to give more reason to white list other than 'let me in'. But we don't really expect much more for a clan named troll now do we?

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I dont no what happend my post posted more then 1 time the websight keep giving me bad gateway. SORRY

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Server name: ]Private Hive - 100+ Vehicles, Active Admins, reward system


Map: Chernarus

Reason of reporting: The Banned me because i went to the admins camp and stole a weapon and some blood bags, which is part of the game if im not mistaken... they told me not to go there or i would get banned, i told them they cant ban me for playing the game... he said he wouldnt ban me if i didnt come back to his camp, which i did not, but this morning i go to play and i am banned... BS i had atruck with tons of items i had found, like 4 hours of gameplay on this server..

Evidence links: * wish i had some other then the fact im banned.. lame and fuck you whoever the admin is.. his name is Mandrit or Mandirt cant remember...

Edited by Benjameanos

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Server name: * DayZChernarus - (spawn with gun) (250+ Vehicles) ( [REGUALAR] - Private Hive [Auto Refuel] [AI/NPC PATROLS] - ClamsDownGaming (NPC's) | DayZ.ST

IP: *

Map: * Chernarus

Reason of reporting: * MAJOR Admin Abuse

Evidence links: *

Me and a buddy of mine found this server thinking it'd be great, until we learned that the main admin (and provider) of the server was a punk kid. This kid was alright at first, but what we didn't know is that he was secretly giving him and his little group info on where me and my buddy set up camp which was a couple thousand meters away from the "Admin Camp" which was really just a few buildings here and there. After about 2-3 days him and his little buddies raid our camp while we're gone and we finally get back to find them guarding it, which wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't have attack choppers spawned by the admins, and the missiles worked completely. He destroyed camp, continued to talk smack over side and eventually banned us for being "meanies" for killing one of his men. The "Admin" actually even took one of these choppers away from us because we found it on NW airfield, and left us stranded thousands of meters from base. These pricks will stalk you, (AND this kid has his admin panel up the entire time, CONSTANTLY doing unwarned restarts and spawning more of these illegal vehicles and telling the rest of the server where we were) and take everything you have (which again is part of the game) but the fact that we were bombarded by attack helicopter missiles? And that the entire time all they do is talk shit to people on side and completely disregard their number one rule: "RESPECT ALL PLAYERS AND ADMINS"

"(Adept)Trobstar" "Travis" "(BRU)Loco" (2 more with the "BRU" tag) and the (CREDZ) tag were pretty much the only people ever on this server and they're all buddy buddy. Now we know why it's only ever them.

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Server name: -Apocalyptica- DayZ EPOCH-Nur die Harten kommen durch! |Active Admins|Clan Bases|Base Shield|+800 Vehicles|+20 Helis|Custom Map|Traders|Parachute Spawning und vieles mehr.
Map: Chernarus
Reason of reporting: admins ban people who kill and attack them, Admins spawn Armed vehicles themselves
Evidence links: -

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Server name: Eagle Eye Epoch, Eagle Eye Overpoch
IP: Epoch: Overpoch:
Map: Chernarus(for both)
Reason of reporting: Abusive Admins( or should i say Admin)
Evidence links: - This guy Named S.T.A.K.L.E.R abuses his powers everytime he is on ive witnessed it first hand. You know why cause cause he was apart of our playing squad and he got admin the 2nd week we were on the server. I along with many other people from our group refuse to play with him cause he is a power hungry abusive admin. He banned people for calling him out on Teamspeak cause he was losing the arguement, he banned people for blowing up vehicles in his base, he banned people for recording him abusing so they couldnt get him in trouble( i witnessed that with my own eyes in game, what a joke he is) he has teled me and other players against our say got us killed broke into safes at bases and he is just a all around idk IDIOT( i wanna call him a a-hole but idk if thats aloud) he berets people and calls them vulgar names. The point is he is not a good guy and never will be. SO PLEASE  DO NOT JOIN THE SERVERS LISTED ABOVE YOU WILL NOT ENJOY YOUR STAY!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urb-iw5ppUs - THIS LINK HE SAYS HE GOT OFF HIS BIKE AND WILL BE RIGHT BELOW US I MEEN ITS NOT THAT BAD WHAT HE IS DOING BUT HE IS TELLING OTHER PLAYERS WHERE A PLAYER IS. ITS STILL WRONG! ASKING HIM TO TP HIM AND THEN KICKING HIM FOR STUPID THINGS SO ABUSIVE! SAYING VULGAR THINGS TO PEOPLE! KEEP IN MIND WHAT I SAID ABOVE THIS ALL HAPPENED I WITNESSED IT AND WAS SOMETIMES DRAGGED INTO IT AS APART OF IT!

Edited by Jon Toney

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Server name: Eagle Eye Epoch, Eagle Eye Overpoch
IP: Epoch: Overpoch:
Map: Chernarus(for both)
Reason of reporting: Abusive Admins( or should i say Admin)

WEBSITE   http://eagleeyedayz.site.nfoservers.com/



I can confirm everything Toney has said in the thread above, this "player" turned abusive admin is named [EEG] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

He was originally one of our team mates who was a nobody, he rarely even played with us but he was a member for longer than I was.
Our group had about 10 full time players and about 5 part time players, STALKER was one of the part time players.

We all had to find a new server to play on because the one we played at was shut down by the owner (THOR) because of personal issues
it was a vanilla server and was quite popular for a long time.


So We all needed a new server we would all play on when that one went down and Toney from the above thread found an epoch server called Eagle Eye,
He started a small base with another member and then told us about it in passing and one by one we all joined and got addicted,
it was your average epoch server but fun mainly because we all played there together and it was semi populated (25-35 players)

We were there for about 2 weeks before stalker got bored and started making friends with the admins,
constantly asking them about donor bases and admin powers etc till finally they made him an admin.

So here we are with 10-15 players on our team and one of our members is a full admin with tools
we were the newest clan on the server but because we had so many players and an admin in our corner we were unstopable

Right away we faced off with the biggest clan on the server (the 4th SoS) which had 20+ players
within a week they had all left the server for good, claiming we had unfair advantages and admin abuse etc,
this is when the majority of our team started to ask stalker not to use or abuse his powers while playing with us.

After that it wasnt long before we were huge targets in the server,
all the clans attacked us and one by one they were shut down either by our skill or stalkers admin abuse which at this point was getting out of hand.

Our team mates started to quit the group and the server around this time after repeated failed attempts to make stalker stop abusing his admin tools while playing with us
Stalker was well into his power trip and his own little world and now the other clans start to leave the server, so now we are the only clan on the server
and we still have 5 or 6 players at this point in our group who regulary play

So with no clans to fight and all of us sitting around with nothing to do, Stalker thinks it will be a good idea to target all the newer players, newer to the game and to the server, it didnt matter
He would teleport to them sometimes bringing us along with him without telling us or warning us first, just BAM, all of a sudden we would all be near a group of new players building
their base or looting etc and it would turn into a huge battle, which of course the new players would lose because stalker usually had god mode on or he would be using some weapon that was so OP it was stupid

So now the new players start to leave and when more new players join he does the same thing over and over and over till more of our guys leave and the rest of us start to get mad at him for making the server empty, we are all trying to help the new players at this point to help populate the server again but He does not care one bit and even when asked to stop and then confronted about it he says and I quote "I dont care, the new Over Poch server will be up soon and we will be done with this one" meaning the regular epoch server that we all spent hundreds of hours on
building our base. This made me mad and by then it was pretty much the end of our group, stalker obviously wants to abuse his tools and play a one  sided battle while the rest of us wanted to just play the game legit, as a group, like we started doing before he became admin.

Now if you look at the regular eagle eye epoch server,located here,  ( )  it has maybe 2 or 3 players in it and maybe 6 or 7 on the weekends at peak times,
check out our old base its at 091 top 048 side, come say hello lol

The new server is an Over poch server, located here ( ) and guess what, same old stalker, spawning thermal weapons for his "new" team mates who are so bad at the game they really do need the banned rifles to win, he spawns them massive amounts of building materials and attack choppers and weapons that can not be obtained by regular players. If you call him out or even say one word about it in their TS or in side chat you get instantly perm banned and trying to email the owners of the server doesnt work either because apparently they can be bought for the right price, stalker and his band of worthless players donate crazy amounts of money to the server and they just added a new NO CAMPING OUR BASE rule that only pertains to them and their base but not anyone elses base. So if you find their huge base with 50 choppers and attack it in anyway, you get banned.

I know the new server will end up the same way as the other one did and its obvious the owners dont care about this server either because they are making the same mistakes and allowing this to happen, again and as long as the owners of the server get their money they dont seem to care.

This post is merely a warning to anyone who goes into that server, you will not have a chance and if you do join and you are a good player and bring your team mates with you to build a base or square off against these "players" with the [DEA] clan tag, you will lose no matter what.


The admins wear the [EEG] tag by their name, search the list and you will see [EEG] S.T.A.L.K.E.R in their, make sure you say hello and ask him to teleport to you and spawn you some thermal rifles and build boxes like he does for his new friends because we are done playing with him for the above stated reasons and the fact that he is just awful at the game, so he really does need to abuse his powers in order to feel good about himself, they even call it skill in side chat when they kill you, laughs

The old empty Eagle Eye Epoch server is at        

The new Over poch server is Eagle Eye OverPoch at


You have been warned

Edited by Angry Mud Beaver

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Dear Angry Mud Beaver and and Jon,


As an admin of EagIe Eye DayZ servers I would like to apologize -like I did in our teamspeak server- because you guys had such a bad experience in our servers. I wish those things wouldn't happend and like I told you guys in our teamspeak channel, that low admin's powers has been taken away so you don't have to worry about it.


What makes me really sad though, even me and the other main admin -Goohawk- explained the whole situation to you and apologized and took care of the situation immediately, even offered you guys to pay back the donations you have made, you still post your "evidence" and missrepresent our server to the community. We have total of 4 main admins -Me(Lt.Miller), Goohawk, Mike and Strelok- and 2 low admins -vehnomz and the governor- and you two already brought up the issue to us and told us that you want this to stop and you won't play on the server as long as the abusive admin is on and we told you that you were right. And the problem you have with the abusive admin is going way back from our server. The whole issue -as you two explained us- started from some engagements in a totaly different clan's teamspeak server. You guys - not just you two- brought the issue to our server -both teamspeak and game servers- and dragged almost 15 other players in it. Blaming the whole [DEA] clan because they were talking back to you guys while you guys were talking behind the other players they play with is showing how insincere you are.


Me and the other main admins are taking full responsibilty in this matter even though %90 of the stuff you explained up there is invalid. And again apologize for causing a trouble to you guys.


Personally, I love all the players we had/have in our servers -except the ones breaking the rules constantly and eventually getting banned- and you two partially know how hard we worked to get the server up and running without any problems and how we helped players in need with in game issues -even those who DayZed, we help everyone in need- I am really dissapointed to see these post here in these forums.


I and the other main admins are always proud of our work and our servers. Hopefully this missrepresentation you made won't cause a bad reputation for our server in this community.


Best Regards,




p.s. We have every chat log and teamspeak pokes/conversations -both voice and chat- involving you guys but there is no point uploading them here since like I said in the beginning of this post, this issue has been taken care off.

Edited by Lt.Miller

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We aren't affiliated in any way with neither Epoch, nor Overwatch and can't do anything about them. Plus, this thread is from 2012.

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