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GoodGame - Bandits of Justice | Group Recruitment [US/UK]

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B a n d i t s o f J u s t i c e

What are we?

GoodGame is a bandit based group, but not a shoot on sight type of bandit group. We only exterminate other clans within the servers we play on. There is about 20+ members in this group, and there is always atleast 5 of us on at once, max we have had on at once was 12. We always try to help bambi's (new players) out as much as possible, such as transport and handing out free gear. We currently have a server we just bought though Vilayer, 40 spots, and active during the day. GG is just now getting a website which is currently in the design and coding stages.

What are we looking for?

GG is currently looking for anyone that is solo or has played in a group. We only ask that you have a good mic with no noise, that you act mature, and do not shoot bambi's on sight.

Why join us?

Joining us can have many advantages, if you are semi experienced in the game and want to learn more, you could hang out with us for a bit. We are very friendly when talking to eachother, but if you like to troll kids, we are perfect for you. This is not a serious group at all, we love to screw around with eachother and have fun, so if you like to have fun, join us!

How we operate.

Depending on how many of us are in, we could split up into 2 separate groups in hope to look for loot on a new server, but if we have a vehicle to transport everyone, we will stay in one chat. We always stay in atleast 1, 6+ man group because numbers, in this game, mean everything. We sometimes go on missions to find Bambi's that might need help, and gear them up to the best and let them on their way.

How to join.

Copy and paste this template and fill it out below:





Do you have teamspeak?:

How much experience do you have?:

What are your specialties?:

Any other info? (optional):

Edited by DonutRiot
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Do you have teamspeak?:Yes

How much experience do you have?:About 4 months

What are your specialties?:Driving,Sniper,Assault

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