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More East Europe stuff

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Chernarus is in East Europe, an ex-soviet staate right under Russia. So why the hell are there more USA weapons than Russian things? I mean, I know that some rednecks would be offended if their holy M4s are taken out of the game (:P), but wouldnt it be better for the atmosphere? Nearly every USA weapon has a russian version.

Why the hell is there a useless M136 and no RPG-7? And why is there a PP-19 on a british heli-crash? And then I think that the M107 sould become the "new AS-50" and the KSVK the "M107". Yeah, I know, a few kids that dont want a chalange will disagree with that, but I left you M107 so you can show you mad zeroing skills. The M24 is totaly retared too, I mean its just the CZ with a other scope. Dont really need that thing. DMR can be replaced with SVD (but he should make the NV googels useable on the SVD), AK-47S PSO instead of M16 ACOG, MK48 replaced with PKP, M240 replaced with RKP (higher sporn rate) and the M249 only a chopper sporn. Make Bizon a moderate military loot. SAIGA instead of M104. AKS-74UN SD Kobra instead of MP5SD. And why is there no VSS as a silenced sniper rifel? The M16 with a GL can be replaced with a AK with a GL. We also dont need a M4 because there is a AKS kobra.

And all the other weapons (M4A1 CCO SD, M4A1 Holo...) should be only at heli crash sites. And I think 2 of them per server restard are enough.

And why is there a Huey and not a Mi-8?

Why do I think these replacements should be done? Well, you guys always clame this game is sooooo realistic. (Its not) And RU weapons in East Europe are realistic. And it adds to the athmosphere. If you are against that (because RU weapons are harder to use), give me agruments why. And dont tell me that thats to much work, Rocket is making his own game goddamit.

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Chernarus is in East Europe, an ex-soviet staate right under Russia. So why the hell are there more USA weapons than Russian things? I mean, I know that some rednecks would be offended if their holy M4s are taken out of the game ( :P), but wouldnt it be better for the atmosphere? Nearly every USA weapon has a russian version.

Why the hell is there a useless M136 and no RPG-7? And why is there a PP-19 on a british heli-crash? And then I think that the M107 sould become the "new AS-50" and the KSVK the "M107". Yeah, I know, a few kids that dont want a chalange will disagree with that, but I left you M107 so you can show you mad zeroing skills. The M24 is totaly retared too, I mean its just the CZ with a other scope. Dont really need that thing. DMR can be replaced with SVD (but he should make the NV googels useable on the SVD), AK-47S PSO instead of M16 ACOG, MK48 replaced with PKP, M240 replaced with RKP (higher sporn rate) and the M249 only a chopper sporn. Make Bizon a moderate military loot. SAIGA instead of M104. AKS-74UN SD Kobra instead of MP5SD. And why is there no VSS as a silenced sniper rifel? The M16 with a GL can be replaced with a AK with a GL. We also dont need a M4 because there is a AKS kobra.

And all the other weapons (M4A1 CCO SD, M4A1 Holo...) should be only at heli crash sites. And I think 2 of them per server restard are enough.

And why is there a Huey and not a Mi-8?

Why do I think these replacements should be done? Well, you guys always clame this game is sooooo realistic. (Its not) And RU weapons in East Europe are realistic. And it adds to the athmosphere. If you are against that (because RU weapons are harder to use), give me agruments why. And dont tell me that thats to much work, Rocket is making his own game goddamit.

Bit racist there mate :s

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Because US/British army invaded the country? (Just see Kosovo conflict) period, stop talking about that. Go check DayZ+ server if you want ALL RU weapons;

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In ArmA 2, the US is at war with Russia in Chernarus. They're also not ex-Soviet, they're fighting over freedom, whether they'll become a communist country or stay free. So we've gotta assume that the infection happened while we were at war.

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Bit racist there mate :s

How the FUCK is he racist? Are you that overly sensitive that you think 'rednecks' are a race?

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Well, actually the war was in 2009, where there was no soviet union. And the USA didnt wanted to let the insurgents take over Chernarus and turn it communistic. So they helped the CDF. But because the ChDKz didnt have a change, they faked a bomb attack in Moskau and gave Cernarus the fault. So Russia started helping the ChDKz. But when you proove that the ChDKz was behind the bomb attack, they move off. After Chernarus wins the war, the Marines move off again. Thats what I know about the story. And the infection happened after the war anyway. And there are no Marine troop zombies. And Chernarus is ex-soviet. AND you didnt show me any arguments against that suggestion.

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It is an ex-soviet state, the name Chernarus means Black Russia, i think its a politically correct version of Belarus, thus it would logically have russian/soviet weaponry as ex-SSR militaries use that kind of equipment, besides russian gear is more interesting than the western stuff that is shown around in every movie and game ever.

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How the FUCK is he racist? Are you that overly sensitive that you think 'rednecks' are a race?

Calm down son ;)

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I can see that you are a "modern ""gamer"""

A game doesnt need a lot of weapons, it needs weapons that are perfectly balanced. What do you need an M4 for, it it is the same thing as the AK?

Look at the new Cods and Bf3. 100 weapons and only 5 of them are actually played. And most of the weapons are just cheap reskins.

You are right, its a game. But if you want a change, (normally if you want to make it more chalanging) 90% of the people are like. "NO TIS GAME IS REALISTIK!!!!!11!!!!"

And its not fun if you get one hittet from 800m distance. Its even worse if you know that EVERYBODY can do that and you dont need any skills to use it. (Zeroing, whooo) I think it would me much better if you actually would have to know how and when you should use witch weapon. And if you can use a AS50 at close combat, it gets ridiculouse.

Edited by Linschko

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