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Spawn Killing

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So I've noticed that as a few of my friends and I join games I tend to spawn before them all. We typically leave off in the same spot so we can pick up and play the next time. Well as they are all joining in their bodies spawn in the game, but they cannot move (they say they are in the "waiting for character creation" bit). Earlier today we happen to spawn in front of a rather large group of people who had shots lined up on us before we were able to move. Something should be done about this because its really frustrating to have spend 15 hours getting good gear, dodging zombie hordes and bandits to only get wasted as soon you spawn. I know that it was just by chance that they were walking by and saw us, but still it is still stupid that they saw us before we were even fully in the game. I don't know if this is an issue that can even be fixed but if it is please dear lord fix it.

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Same thing happened to me after over 10 hours of gathering good gear. This problem could be solved if you were invincible for the first minute after you spawn.

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Same thing happened to me after over 10 hours of gathering good gear. This problem could be solved if you were invincible for the first minute after you spawn.

Nah, bad idea.

Just find safer places to log-out, don't log-out in groups, spread out and go prone in the bushes then regroup.

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Same thing happened to me after over 10 hours of gathering good gear. This problem could be solved if you were invincible for the first minute after you spawn.

Nah' date=' bad idea.

Just find safer places to log-out, don't log-out in groups, spread out and go prone in the bushes then regroup.


What exactly would being invincible for the first sixty seconds of your character's life accomplish? I don't know if this is a common problem, but I've never been killed while I was ACTUALLY on the beach. And when you're one minute old, you don't have anything you'll actually miss, I highly doubt you're going to find a Lee Enfield, a morphine injector, and an ALICE pack, and then get shot, within one minute of spawning.

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Or do what BF3 does, you are invincible until you MOVE, then you are vulnerable but at least the game knows you have control of the player now.

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Invi spawn doesn't work in ArmA, you recieve the damage you die. As Dave and Flashhawk mentioned, log out in safer places, keep your distance to eachother and don't log in as a group. Might even surprise the bandits when they leave or start looting and get shot in the back.

What happened to you is just the worst form of bad luck. Wrong time wrong place.

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Flashhawk completely missed the point...

The OP is complaining about being killed BEFORE they have control of their characters. Some of the other responses did make sense regarding choosing your log-off locations and being in the prone and spaced out.

All comments considered, would it be a BAD thing to implement this? How would this negatively affect any of you?? Before saying it's a "bad idea" think about this for a second...can this be exploited (not in one minute - and if it can then make it 30 seconds or until the game registers that you are in control of your character) and is it a generally helpful idea if implemented?

Like many of you posters, I've been playing for months now and I know how to move discretely through the woods. Every now and then I'll come across tents and on at least 3 occasions I have seen someone spawning in - literally coming out of nowhere before my eyes (this was while I was in the vicinity of a make-shift camp and not in a town). The first time there were multiple armed people spawning in so I just hid and they left. The second time it caught me off guard so I shot within 5 seconds of the body appearing. The third time I shot as well because he had an M4 and I had never had one up to that point.

All of the above locations were well off the beaten path and the last two times they had just materialized and I doubt they had any in-game situational awareness much less control. (Call me a dick if you want but I know many of you would have done the same thing).

Now if these people had even 30 seconds to a minute to actually gain control of their character then perhaps they could've had at least a fighting chance...at any rate, thus granting this 30 second or 1 minute buffer have any negative affect on you guys? I don't see it and if I'm wrong please inform me.

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Terrible idea.

The only fair solution is to not allow you to spawn if you have players within 50 meters of your last spawn location.

This balances it all out.

You can no longer spawn behind people to get the drop on them, they can no longer spawn kill you while your character loads.

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Same thing happened to me after over 10 hours of gathering good gear. This problem could be solved if you were invincible for the first minute after you spawn.

50 meters is still a short distance for most of the firearms in the game

True but that distance would give you enough time to spawn in before they could see you.

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And I could grief you if I knew where you logged out, by just leaving my character sitting there on the server you wanted to play on. Just saying, I think it's a bad idea to restrict people from logging on completely. And y'all did have me confused when you say "spawn", to me that implies "starting off". I'm a linguistics Nazi, admittedly, but shall we say "logging on" instead? It's just a bit misleading.

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And I could grief you if I knew where you logged out' date=' by just leaving my character sitting there on the server you wanted to play on. Just saying, I think it's a bad idea to restrict people from logging on completely. And y'all did have me confused when you say "spawn", to me that implies "starting off". I'm a linguistics Nazi, admittedly, but shall we say "logging on" instead? It's just a bit misleading.


I agree on both counts

I don't like anything that restricts players and this could definitely be a problem in the cities (why someone would log out in a city is beyond me but someone might have their reasons and they'd be frustrated if a sniper was sitting on that building making it impossible for them to respawn).

And yes, clarifying this to logging in makes more sense because I don't believe the OP was claiming that we needed a minute of invincibility when we spawn on the beach - only when logging back in.

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