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Where's all the kids?

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Why is there no zombie kids?

Every time I go into a school, I expect a group of children eating a teacher or something...

Also, there should be zombies with the skins that the players themselves can obtain.

Seeing a zombie that could have been a player at one point is kinda nice.

Ghillie zombies. : D

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Perhaps the zombie virus was too strong for the bodies, killing them immediately and then rotting away the corpse.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Rocket and his team was discussing this in a Reddit thread once? It would depend on massive rebuild on bones and if it would be "right" to have kids (if it would affect the age rating of the game and such).

If someone could come with the Reddit link it'd be good.

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As far as I know killing children, whether they are zombie or not is taboo in the industry. I remember in the fallout games they made the children invincible so that you can't kill them. It does make sense though, I don't think it's right to kill kids, whether in real life or simulated through a game. If they went through with it I'm sure many countries would ban DayZ.

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Really? Doesn't mind if there won't be children zombies. This is not what this game is about. Risk of beeing crushed by media is to big for DayZteam.

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As far as I know killing children, whether they are zombie or not is taboo in the industry. I remember in the fallout games they made the children invincible so that you can't kill them. It does make sense though, I don't think it's right to kill kids, whether in real life or simulated through a game. If they went through with it I'm sure many countries would ban DayZ.

Dead Space 2 had killable necromorph children.

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Really? Doesn't mind if there won't be children zombies. This is not what this game is about. Risk of beeing crushed by media is to big for DayZteam.

This isn't really a matter of what the media thinks. This is an argument of whether it is right to portray the murder of children(undead or not).

Edited by Samuel P. Tinkersmith

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It would be fun to flip the bird to social norms and taboos... but you'd have to deal with the consequences.

Like would Valve let you release it on Steam?

Would you get a bunch of bad press over it and negatively impact sales?

Is this product completely disassociated from BI? If not then would this hurt that relationship?

It's easy to say "We don't care what anyone thinks; we are making a game WE want to make even if nobody buys it!" which some indie game dev teams do say. Ultimately nobody wants their hard spent time and effort to be a waste and they would like SOME compensation for their work. So they too have to walk the line even if they say they don't have to. =P

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As far as I know killing children, whether they are zombie or not is taboo in the industry. I remember in the fallout games they made the children invincible so that you can't kill them. It does make sense though, I don't think it's right to kill kids, whether in real life or simulated through a game. If they went through with it I'm sure many countries would ban DayZ.

Skyrim has unkillable children in it as well.


According to this link: http://www.giantbomb.com/killing-children/92-4067/ only 58 games have included killing children in the game.

In a world with probably hundreds of millions of video games, children are a pretty big taboo.

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Taboo isn't the problem.

The problem is, producing a game amounts to a high-stakes gamble, and people, outwith the gaming community, tend to see everything in EVERY game as "glorification".

With the vast majority of games where there either are NO children, or the children are invincible, it's a concious decision, by the company, based on self imposed restrictions.

GTA, Fallout 3/NV, Skyrim etc. are sandboxes (to an extent) where killing is encouraged, expected and, in many cases, rewarded.

Nobody with a lot of money at stake can be seen to support child-murder for profit. Big-budget publishers can't afford to take that risk. So they just don't.

There are no such restrictions with other art-forms. If done right, these can bring emotion and sensation as profound works of art.

38d7i.jpg(THE SHINING - 1980)

Perhaps video-games are too interactive.

Though DayZ does a good job exploring the moral ambiguity of a post-apocalyptic world. This particular "taboo" will likely remain untouched.

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There are no schools in Chernarus (the buildings you likely refer to are office buildings). Taviana has schools though.

Aside from that, taboos aren't a problem for me at least. It's a bloody video game.

Edited by SonicRainbrony

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