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Most wanted list

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So I would like to see something like "Most wanted bandits list". Maybe top 50? I know, you can change your nickname and so on... But it would be still usefull for "friendly" players so they will check for the players on the certain server before join it.

P.S.: one more thing. there should be no humanity regeneration while you are still alive, I think.

P.P.S.: I am bandit, yes.


How about "Most Wanted" posters appearing randomly on the buildings? Imagine running through Cherno and than you notice such a poster. You look at the list of players and wtf! there is someone with the same nickname like in the poster! :D

Edited by SystemFailure

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Hello there

To me, I think this is something that should be community run external to the game.

Top 10's of anything inherently warp player behaviour in game.

Nice ideas, but have it external, meta gaming if you will.



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