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What made you a bandit?

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Tbh I have only been playing the game for about 5 days now, but already i'm loosing the urge to help people....

When i first started playing I thought hey lets help other players.

Since then the stark reality of the Dayz world hit and I not longer trust or help anyone else I see.

After few few false starts (ie running into the nearest city to the shoreline and getting hot to pieces although unarmed) my first character went into the woodland and started scavenging.

After acting like a Bambi (ie shooting zombies chasing me) i finally stumbled across Balota Airstrip. I raided all bar one building (in third person mind you) and I made my way to the control tower I noticed someone at the top of the stairs with an M4 aiming it at the top. With me just out of view i noticed his gear and camo skin and thought.... screw it, he will most likely kill me if i go to the top. So i decided to throw my grenade and not risk it.

To my horror though the grenade must have gone out the window behind him as it exploded outside. Now armed only with a double shotgun i noticed he was edging to the top of the stairs I decided to go in guns blazing seeing I had more to gain than loose.... The result two shots in hims and pretty much a whole clip in me before I went unconscious. He stumbled up to my dead body before unloading another two shots in my and killing me just as he fainted himself.

My next spawn i was much more careful and after a lucky break in a supermarket I had a map, watch, compass, hunting knife, match's, an axe, two water bottles and even a tent! After getting food and water I decided to go to Krasnostav Airstrip.

While there i picked up a M16 with grenade launcher (i also already had a winchester) lots of ammo and HE grenades. on my way out however i saw two sets of survivors arrive (not seeing me) and have an all out firefight, not wanting to get involved seeing the carnage i watched and when the dust settled made my way off into the distance. Not beliving my luck i decided to hide my tent (some distance away obviously) and stash my new gear in there. Only half an hour later i found a crashed helecopter and to my luck again found 25 clips for my M16 albiet there was nothing else of worth there. Carrying all i could i stashed it all in my tent and decided not to trust anyone.

I decided to look for more gear and go to Stary Sobor to get some more gear. However after seeing the last event i decided to go in at night to raid the tents when it would be more quiet. As i approached i saw blue glowsticks everywhere (just before the tents popped in due to a glitch). I then saw two survivors going tent to tent.... Remembering past events i though fuck it.... they would kill me if they had the change, before even typing anything into the chat the next time i saw one i downed him with two shots in the back while he searched loots..... the other guys started screaming down the chat that he was friendly and started to run to the tent of the guy i shot... he looked at the body and turned round seeing me just as i shot him twice, one shot blasting him in the face. I looted their bodies taking a revolver and taking an Ak74 from one of the tents (Again a pretty bad haul). :P

Again i went back to my tent and decided to raid the international airfield.... the next day while it was light i made my way there but I started to feel bad, i thought that i had most likely shot some pretty new players looking at their gear and how they acted. As i got to the airfield i switched my head back on, looted the southern barracks and getting an M4 and an G17. For some reason is disconnected from the server and had lost this loot and had to do it again, :( but this time was the one who got killed as i raided the gear inside.

Next spawn i had not qualms now with shooting someone. I raided Balota airstrip and got an AK74, I then decided to raid the 4 deer stands to the south. While in one i saw another player unarmed go to the opposite.

He hadn't seen me and it was the further of the two towers i could see. I thought about shouting friendly.... but what if he took my gear if he found a good gun in one of the stands..... I decided not to risk it and unloaded most of my lone clip into him.... i saw three shots defiantly hit but at the same time zombies ran at him and i took three go down. He climbed the tower as i attempted to hit him with the 5 shots i had left but all missed. He went prone into the tower, i climbed down my own deer stand and got close enough to throw a grenade i had found literally a few seconds earlier, it must of been a kid and he kept typing friendly down the chat but it was too late my grenade was in the air. He tried to get out of the stand but it exploded, literally blowing him out of the stand.... it was lucky as well seeing my brand new M4A3 COO was in the stand i just blew him out of, with 3 clips aswell ;)

This time i did not feel bad.... happy in fact seeing even though he was unarmed and had no gear, screw it i had a gun i liked.... After that i "tried" to find players even hiding near the NE airstrip to catch people raiding it. I even managed by some miracle to take out a team of three who rand straight past my hiding spot in the hill to the north.

Two days later i now have two pretty full tents with some pretty decent gear in different parts of the map, I know have most gear mentioned above but with an AK74 Kobra, M4A1 halo, CZ550, M14 AIM and god know how many pistols..... None scavenged... no deaths myself. :D

I'm liking this and i don't think i'm going to go back, think i may need a new sniper rifle........ :rolleyes:

Now that massive screen of text has finished... how did you become a bandit? :thumbsup:

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I hunt bandits, if I kill them, good, if they out sport me, good game.

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I became a bandit because every starter weapon has the potential to give you a better weapon, all that stands between you and your new gun, is the guy who is carrying it. So, in a sense, i became a bandit because it's fun and because i think it's more exciting getting your gear through a firefight.

Edited by CyanidC
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At first I was a nice guy.

Then I got bored (and was murdered a few times) and I decided to shoot more often.

Afterwards, I rationalized that I could kill people without provocation if I was in need of supplies.

I stopped playing for a few months and then came back. Now, I do it for fun (and for EZmode looting: have some poor sap do it for you, then kill him and take his stuff). I still loot normally, but I'm playing it safe because I found a ghillie suit and love it so much. Seriously, that thing is AWESOME.


To show you how awesome it is, here's a story:

I was running around at night on my favorite server and saw someone hauling ass for a warehouse in Komarovo. I set up position to take him out, but before I could do so, two guys ran to my position with flashlights. I was scared as fuck that these guys were about to kill me (silly I know, but I had just been in a gunfight 10 minutes earlier), but to my astonishment, THEY DIDN'T SEE ME. I had been crouching next to a bush and they were 10-20 feet away from me; both of them had shone their lights on me. After the shock wore off, I quickly downed them with two .303s to the chest for each. Sadly, the server was extremely laggy and I came back (after losing laggy zombies... those things are next to impossible to get rid of) to find them bandaging each other. Another 303 round to each did the trick though, and I looted them to find...

... absolutely nothing in the way of weaponry. Oh well. Can't be too careful.

Edited by PieceOfDust
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Now I didn't read all of that, but I'm still here to help.

-Player far away, if he doesn't have great gear like a sniper then he's no threat so leave him alone.

-If you come up behind a player, give him the chance to put down his weapon (if he turns to you, shoot him in the back of the head) or if want to be a really good guy and you know weapon damage outputs just knockem out and bandage them up.

-If they shoot first, or are staring at you with a squad or sniper you have the go ahead to kill them.

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I do it for the rush, honestly.

Me too. But it all started because I have been shot on sight so much. Even killing fresh spawns feels good now.

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My squad and me we hunt bandits. But we are not angels. We go on hunts where a chopper finds someone and drops us off about 1km away from him and LET THE HUNT BEGIN. Most of the times people are gullible enough to say Hi chopper or something like that when we fly past them. You can call me half Bandit and Half Hero. Because we help people and we kill people. We dont kill fresh spawn bambies. We kill geared people but we are nice enough not to hide the body so they can loot it. I do it just for the thrill of the hunt. I stopped being the complete nice guy after I got stabbed in the back quite a few times.

I even got a nickname in the server I play in. :D most of the people don't know who killed them so one of my friends once said when I sniped a guy in the woods that the slender got him. And before we realized I became the Slender. :D Because every time someone gets killed everybody starts asking. '' Oh now is the slender on a hunt again ?'' or something like ''The slender strikes again'' And when it gets night everyone starts saying. ''Run and hide and dont ever dare to look back because the slender is going hunting''. The funniest one was ''Hide your kids Hide your wife Hide everybody coz the slender is killing everybody''

Edited by Cyberdog
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I was too trusting, I never shot first, I allowed people to team up with me only to get a 9mm in the head whilst looting, so I said fuck it, lone wolf from now on.

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You just can never be too careful out there in the zombie apocolypse. That and I love beans

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I'm a lone wolf and objectively, I have nothing to gain from being a good guy. Being a bandit means you die less often, because you shoot first and never risk being backstabbed. Plus you sometimes get good loot from dead bodies.

Good guys get...a plaid shirt? WTF. If there was a significant reward or advantage to helping others, more players would do it.

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I got friends on the verge of becoming bandits.But they don't do it for the sake of better weapons, they do it to avoid dying.So far, we (the group) have died at least 4 times from other bandits and panicked survivors.To them, being the first ones to shoot seems to be the only way out.I object to that, though, dunno what they're gonna do, but I'm thinking of sticking with the survivor skin.

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There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.

Just love that feel of the hunt.

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I became a bandit cause it got boring being a survivor... surviving is easy, banditry is harder.

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Sorry, but what is a Bambi?

Someone who won't fight back and always runs away and/or wants PvP taken out of DayZ.

I became a bandit because you can only stack loot so high before it becomes pointless. I've looted tons of EVERYTHING in the game but Mountain Dews (have found 2).

It is most definitely a rush to formulate a plan and execute it with a happy ending or react fast enough when surprised and get the kill anyways.

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Boredom mostly, Ive played on non pvp and non KOS servers before and while its pretty cool having people give you rides/gear/medical help it gets pretty boring pretty quickly just walking around the map gearing up and killing zombies (which pose no real threat at the moment) without the constant fear of a random bandit killing you for your beans.

Edited by Rollo
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Didnt do it for the E-penis enlargement like most people here, i simply stopped trusting random people, after my friend met a random french dude while carrying nothing but a flashlight, then got shot to death, i kill without discrimination if i do not know the guy.

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Someone who won't fight back and always runs away and/or wants PvP taken out of DayZ.

I became a bandit because you can only stack loot so high before it becomes pointless. I've looted tons of EVERYTHING in the game but Mountain Dews (have found 2).

It is most definitely a rush to formulate a plan and execute it with a happy ending or react fast enough when surprised and get the kill anyways.

You're describing a "noob". From what I've read a Bambi is someone who is new, don't know how to play proper.

Noob = simply someone who suck even if they know what to do. And probably hide because they suck and want pvp removed because they of that reason, they suck

Bambi = Someone new knowing zero about anything, I consider myself a Bambi in that matter.

Haven't killed anyone so far, I don't go around looking to kill people, I avoid it and yes I'll probably go hide. Not because I suck because I choose too. I like the pvp aspect, it gives a reason to be careful. :)

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The term Bambi I'm familiar with refers to the fawn (baby deer) that is young and helpless, eg freshspawns with no equipment or weaponry who are prime targets for all the totes awesome southern coast "bandits".

Bunch of pussies.

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Me and my team switch between Bandit and Heros from time to time but, we leave unarmed or low geared players alone because its a dick move killing a buy who isnt armed and I don't enjoy running from kamanka to cherno just go get shot cuz im holding a flashlight

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I became a bandit after i was killed constantly while trying to help people. Im not a normal KOS bandit though. I kill for self defense and the occasional laugh. I rob for loot. I think its a lot more fun and you dont need good gear to do so. A couple of bluffs and i can have a persons backpack, gun and beans. So far i love the lee enfield as a robbing weapon because of its lethality.

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