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Random acts of kindness!

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Hello everyone, BritishRenegade here and today I have quite a happy story to tell you.

I had recently died and had spawned near Elektro and I chose that to get some starter stuff I should head there and keep my head down.

I was heading to an apartment block when I noticed a car had passed by and I hid away because I believed that the majority of people playing DayZ now would shoot anyone on sight just because they were looking at them the wrong way.

I crouched to the wall and the man in the car spotted me, I ran.

He called out saying things like "Can you hear me?" and "Stop running!".

Eventually I hid away and the car pulled up next to me, I thought I would face my maker and let the man shoot me. I was carrying anything that would allow me to fight back and win the battle.

He then posed a question "Can you hear me?", I replied "Yes" but I had a broken microphone. I could not talk.

He asked if I needed a weapon and I said "Yes, this crowbar is doing me no good" and he asked me to follow him to the back of his car and I could choose a weapon of my choice.

I grabbed the FN FAL because I was familiar with it, he then asked "Please don't shoot me".

I did have the chance but this man went out of his way to make sure I was good for the apocalypse so I chose not to. I was better than those bandits and he was a hero, we parted ways and said "Farewell".

I salute you Phillip for your kindness and generosity, may good luck follow you everywhere.

Have you ever had a random act of kindess happen to you?

If say post below in the comments!



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Im always helping people, but I do it from the shadows with a sniper rifle. Getting too close is unpredictable. Unless they have really good gear and are down with broken legs and bleeding, then I try and convince them I only want to help them keep their gear

For me its spot, shoot the zeds or bandits and move out of there fast.

Ive had a few people help me out, I got killed by a bandit and a guy in a heli tried to pick me up but accidently hit a tree and crashed in the sea.

His friend ejected in time and broke his legs and gave me his silenced M4 before he went his own way.

Any bandit would have killed the guy for his dmr he also had, he turned his back to me as he left and trusted me not to shoot him. He may have had a sniper watching, maybe thats why he was so not bothered by me having a chance to kill him.

If it were me, I would have someone watching just in case.......

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Recently a random dude with a Winchester panicked and shot both a friend of mine and me dead @ Cherno's fire station.We then spawned at random locations (I was in Elektro, he was close to Cherno), so I first decided to quickly storm Elektro and grab anything I could, then meet him in Cherno, where we could meet up with the rest of the group.

As I was walking towards Elektro's church, a dude in a ghillie suit suddenly popped up in front of me, scaring the f*ck out of me and my gunless hands.All I could do was -nearly- scream "DONT SHOOT", and I did.He said something that I wasn't able to hear, then ran into the church.Suddenly, I saw him firing, which was something that really did scare me shitless.I said "don't shoot" once more, then told him that I had practically no items, and walked into the church.He was friendly, and helped me out with a couple of zombies that had seen us.I grabbed a Makarov, and went for a walk to Elektro's finest places with him.

It was the first time I had ever found a friendly person willing to interact, and it was a damn good one.He showed me how to quickly find the option to climb ladders down, and also escorted me to Elektro's fire station where I got to -finally- find my first serious weapon -an AKM!But, unfortunately, that was the end of this rather brief encounter with that kind sniper.I told him I was going to meet others, so we said goodbye at the fire station, where each went his own way.I will forever remember this dude, for a lot of things, but mainly for 1)not shooting me on sight, 2)helping me find a serious gun, 3) helping me save my life because of that gun (it was just zombies, but I still made it out thanks to the AK).

So, thanks a lot, Ben.Hope we'll meet again!

And that was my first (and only) such story.Some friends and I once saw an unarmed dude at Cherno's docks, and, although we were more than willing to help him out, the sight of 4 armed players (2 with automatic rifles), and our friendly intentions probably being inaudible, he decided to slowly turn around and then run.I hope that one day, I'll be able to help someone out in the same was Ben did with me.

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It's absolutely amazing to hear these stories of people helping each other and also being helped.

I salute you whom help those in need and also those whom are kind enough not to back-stab a helper!



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My youtube has plenty of videos of helping people, so check them out sometime by clicking on my signature :)

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My youtube has plenty of videos of helping people, so check them out sometime by clicking on my signature :)

I shall have a look at them now, thanks for the heads up! :)



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Beans for not shooting him with the weapon he gave you.

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When I find a tent in the wilderness, I chuck in a peace of cooked meat. Spelling error intentional.

Makes me laugh to think about someone coming back to their cache, and wondering...


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Nice story BritishRenegade.

Just the other day i was on Namalsk and as you do having a bit of banter in side-chat, just sussing out what the other players are like??. So i'm looting the enterable second story building in Vorkuta and fall through the wall breaking my leg, no morphine on me the only thing i can do is see if someone will come to my aid, (Because no way in hell am i getting out of this city alive).

I make my way up onto a roof "After sending out an SOS" next thing i see is a helicopter hovering over me and someone telling me to get in. Brings me over to the hospitals and asks me to keep an eye on his chopper, as he heads to get some medical supples. Thinking to myself how the hell am i going to defend his chopper if someone comes up because all i have is a hatch (dont get me wrong i love my hatchet).

Next thing there's shooting down below, five minutes pass and my saviour returns patches me up. Asks am i good to go then Jumps into his chopper and disappers into the sunset..

The best part was his ingame name "HornyVonHornmeister" thanks to him i still have some faith in some of us (not all) surviving this Apocalypse......

Edited by Maca
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When I find a tent in the wilderness, I chuck in a peace of cooked meat. Spelling error intentional.

Makes me laugh to think about someone coming back to their cache, and wondering...


Yeah I also try and chuck SOMETHING into a tent if I come across one :)

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This absolutely amazing everyone from suprising people with tent food to having people save you because you are mortally wounded. I love these kind of stories because as (put so nicely) by FinalNinja447 my faith is being restored in humanity.

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The weird part is that I come across these "heroes" so rarely but when I do I am left with a sense of amazement that people go out of their way to do stuff like this, sadly though the majority of the fan base are a "shoot on sight" kind of people...

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Reading these stories... faith in humanity restored (Like, really)

Does it give you feels?

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Isn't it sad that we see such kind acts and are surprised. I play as Twiglet a lot of the time (just in case you see me on a server) and truthfully, I've never even pointed my gun at another player, let alone killed anyone.

I played today on a few servers without any problems. I always say hello when I join a server and enjoy coming across friendly players too.

I helped a player with a transfusion, went and searched fror antibiotics for another, found an akm for another, but not because I want to be seen as generous and kind. It's because it's what I do when I play. It's like in real llife, if someone falls over, you don't stand and stare, you help them up and make sure they are ok.

I think we start off naturally sociable but then die so often that some players don't feel they can trust anyone anymore in dayz. I just refused to ever let that happen to me. :thumbsup: I do get frustrated and feel down sometimes - like the day I died over 30 times. But I think you have to get back up, smile and start over. I love this game more than any other I've ever played. :thumbsup:

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Does it give you feels?

Yes it givs me the feels. I Good feels feels good on my other feels that I feel good about the feels.

That didn't make much sense. Too bad. Beanz.

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I think we start off naturally sociable but then die so often that some players don't feel they can trust anyone anymore in dayz. I just refused to ever let that happen to me. :thumbsup: I do get frustrated and feel down sometimes - like the day I died over 30 times. But I think you have to get back up, smile and start over. I love this game more than any other I've ever played. :thumbsup:

This game needs moar players like you, Heinz for that.

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Back in my very early days of playing (people had some morals left), I managed to band together with a ragtag bunch of guys, surprisingly none of us hand bandit skins and we were working together clearing out the small towns north of electro, anyways it got really dark and we decided to eatch carry one chemlight so we could track each other in the dark.

We ended up surviving for a couple of hours untill we heard shots being fired at us. Immediatley we dropped chemlights and split up into the near forestline, I never seen any of the guys from that group again and have no contact names ... but they took me on as a noob armed me with weapons which kept me alive for another 2 -3 days after this event.

I wonder if they are still out there?

Edit : http://cloud.steampo...DB945D6ADA8C0A/


Two screenshots I took with the group, the last one was before we died...

In the first screenshot I became a bandit because I had to eliminate someone we couldn't trust and I did the dark deed.

Also notice in the chat of the second screenshot, that was the atmosphere early June

Edited by I_aint_no_bandit

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God those were the good dayz (pun intended). Without the large amount of hackers and teamwork was in most places.

I shall have a guess that you know but if otherwise I_aint_no_bandit then there is a forum to find people that you want to find again just submit those pics and include some names (if applicable) and hopefully you shall find the again!

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I was taken hostage and flown away in a helicopter. Some firefight broke out....I couldn't really see much. Next thing I know the pilot is dead and we're spinning out of control and we crashed. As I crawled out the wreckage to freedom, I saw man on a hill holding a Makarov....


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I was taken hostage and flown away in a helicopter. Some firefight broke out....I couldn't really see much. Next thing I know the pilot is dead and we're spinning out of control and we crashed. As I crawled out the wreckage to freedom, I saw man on a hill holding a Makarov....


It seems to me like that was just not your day!

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Thanks, Final. I'll have those beans for lunch! :thumbsup:

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