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[BC] Bad Company Recruitment

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Greetings! We are a brand new clan known as "Bad Company!" Now, I know it's not an original name, but it is what we do that counts. We are a clan that operates with it's own dedicated (private hive) server. Like many of you, we enjoy the core sandbox features of the game. However; we weren't content to leave it at that. We wanted to inject a sense of Role Play into the gaming experience, and to be honest, it's quite fun! Now, that doesn't mean you have to run around saluting people, using military terms. Instead, we have created a three (3) faction system within the server. Each faction plays a role, and partakes in the many fun features of Dayz.

Clan Factions

Now that I have introduced you to the concept of factions, let me go into detail about what they are. Like I said, there are three factions. The Bandits, The Soldiers, and The Survivors. By default, everyone starts under the Survivors faction, which is considered neutral. You can, however; Decide to apply for the other two factions. Spots are limited on both sides, so we will choose those who are most qualified to be a Soldier/Bandit. Each faction has its pro's/con's, strictly for server balance.

Faction Rules/Roles

The Survivors - You are the breach between good and evil. The world is destroyed, under chaos, and is extremely dangerous. As a Survivor, you are not permitted to kill on sight. You can however, defend yourself. If someone shoots at you, go ahead and shoot back. Even if it means killing the bad guy. You are free to create your own Survival groups, and camps. You aren't bound by any authority, either.

The Bandits - These guys exist for for one reason, and one reason alone. To spread and create more chaos! In this case, you are a group of soldiers gone bad. This faction can be, at times, the most powerful! We have designed a large bandit camp in the middle of the forest for this very faction(Bunkers, watch towers, etc..). The largest upside for this faction, is the very fact that their camp is untouchable. Don't fear placing tents/vehicles in this fortress, as we punish those who take from it. Think of this base as your chaos headquarters! Your specific goal stems from killing Survivors, looting everything, and fighting The Soldiers. Breaking the Bandit code could result in DEATH!

The Soldiers - Now you are wondering, out of all the chaos, is there anyone left who is good? These guys are. Like the Bandits, the Soldiers have a base located somewhere on the map. This is where the PvP gets interesting. The Soldiers exist to put an end to the Bandits, and protect the Survivors. From time to time, you may notice the Soldiers dropping care packages. Or flying into a town, guns blazing, clearing a town of zombies for fellow Survivors. This faction isn't dumb, though. They know that the Bandits exist, and will be in constant fire fight with them. In short, they are the only defense for this world! This faction can shoot Bandits on sight, but can only shoot Survivors if shot at first. Remember, these are the good guys.


Here is how the recruitment process works. Over time, we will recruit more of certain factions to establish PvP balance. Simple right? Just make sure to check bellow for the open factions.

Open Factions(Need more Bandits before we recruit Soldiers) -

The Survivors

CLOSED Factions-

The Bandits

The Soldiers


Name(Just your first name will work)-



Game name/Tag-

Do you have a Mic?-

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-

How much Dayz experience do you have?-

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?-

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)-

Which faction would you like to apply for?-

Please either respond in this thread, or send me a PM. You will be sent the server info via PM if you are accepted.

Mature members only please. (16 years old and over)

We us RAIDCALL for our voice communication. Download it HERE

Edited by duari91
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Name(Just your first name will work)- Tom

Age- 17

Country- England

Game name/Tag- Saint

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes

How much Dayz experience do you have?- About 5 months

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- It varies

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting

Which faction would you like to apply for?- Soldier

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Tom

Age- 17

Country- England

Game name/Tag- Saint

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes

How much Dayz experience do you have?- About 5 months

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- It varies

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting

Which faction would you like to apply for?- Soldier

Accepted, please check your PM's!

The Soldier faction is temporarily on hold due to the fact that we don't have enough Bandits. I am placing you with the Survivors temporarily.

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Kyle

Age- 13

Country- England

Game name/Tag- Phool

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-Already have teamspeek

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Alot played for 2yeas

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Only Weekend 

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Flying/Shooting

What Fraction would you apply for? Soldier

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Kyle

Age- 13

Country- England

Game name/Tag- Phool

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-Already have teamspeek

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Alot played for 2 Years

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Only Weekend 

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Flying/Shooting

What Fraction would you apply for? Soldier

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*application sent*

and of course i sent it 20 minutes after you went offline :)

Edited by the LawsOfFire

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Mike

Age- 23

Country- UK

Game name/Tag- Popa'sCandy

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes

How much Dayz experience do you have?- 2 Months

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Probably too many :)

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting/Surviving

Which faction would you like to apply for?- Survivor unless you really need more bandits... up for anything

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Jones

Age- 19

Country- Denmark

Game name/Tag- Jones K

Do you have a Mic?- Indeed i have good sir

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes if it is without virus

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Ohh been playing for a good while, know all maps weapons, cars - can fly ofc

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- 3-4 hours a day pehaps.

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- All the things :beans:

Which faction would you like to apply for?- The soldiers.

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Jones

Age- 19

Country- Denmark

Game name/Tag- Jones K

Do you have a Mic?- Indeed i have good sir

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes if it is without virus

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Ohh been playing for a good while, know all maps weapons, cars - can fly ofc

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- 3-4 hours a day pehaps.

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- All the things :beans:

Which faction would you like to apply for?- The soldiers.

But i can see you need bandits - so i could go there if needed

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Delete this post, checked the server: ping too high, because US server

Edited by G.h.o.s.t

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Delete this post, checked the server: ping too high, because US server

Should be okay for most people who reside across the pond.

New batch of PM's sent!

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Name(Just your first name will work)-Emre



Game name/Tag-Reflaction

Do you have a Mic?-Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-I have both of them

How much Dayz experience do you have?-4 Months

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?-Im online 4-5 hours for per day

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)-Shooting,driving,sniping.

Which faction would you like to apply for?-Bandit

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Jordan

Age- 21

Country- Canada

Game name/Tag- Jordan

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes

How much Dayz experience do you have?- About 1 Month

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Alot

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting, Surviving

Which faction would you like to apply for? Bandits.

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Jordan

Age- 21

Country- Canada

Game name/Tag- Jordan

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- Yes

How much Dayz experience do you have?- About 1 Month

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Alot

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting, Surviving

Which faction would you like to apply for? Bandits.

Application accepted! Check your PM's.

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Awesome group of bandits together, Its a good laugh so far XD (xZSOAPZx)

Edited by Sam2377

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Name- Brandon

Age- 19

Country- USA USA USA

Game name/Tag- Westside

Do you have a Mic?- YES

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?- DONE

How much Dayz experience do you have?- 6 MONTHS

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- 10 - 15

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- EVERYTHING

Which faction would you like to apply for?- ANY

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Matt

Age- 32

Country- United States

Game name/Tag- Weiz

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-Already have teamspeak

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Very little

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Weekdays and weekends

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting

What Fraction would you apply for? Bandit

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Name(Just your first name will work)- Matt

Age- 32

Country- United States

Game name/Tag- Weiz

Do you have a Mic?- Yes

Would you be willing to install a voice chat service(raidcall/team speak...etc.)?-Already have teamspeak

How much Dayz experience do you have?- Very little

How many hours per week do you play Dayz?- Weekdays and weekends

What are you best at (Flying, Shooting, Surviving, etc...)- Shooting

What Fraction would you apply for? Bandit

^^^ Matt is a friend of mine so would be nice if he could be accepted :P

I went ahead and accepted him.

I'll likely be on later today, as I am a bit busy at the moment. In the meantime, I am sure one of the bandits may be able to assist him.

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