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What server: Chicago 40

When it happened: Around 6:20 EST

What happened:

So for the past several days me and my group have been being kicked to make room for STAB members (the people who run the server). We wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt after one of my friends got kicked by Nebuli (the server admin). I posted in chat that my friend Druitz was kicked to make room for a STAB member. The first image was his response to my chat. I think the rest of the pictures speak for themselves.






I ended up being kicked. Please do something. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he has repeatedly abused his power. I appreciate your time.

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"we pay we play"


If I agree or disagree with the rules, like every other admin, I am forced to follow them. We're stuck paying and trying to get in like everyone else. I don't get what excuse these clowns have.

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woops that's an FN FAL with NV scope :/

But yeah, that's definate abuse, people like that sicken me, especially if they're in the mindset of "we pay we can do whatever we want."

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What a wanker.

Maybe the DayZ staff should add some quirky line to his blacklisting like 'We create, we blacklist'.

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Yeah but, I can see it from the admin's side.

It sucks to pay for a server and be told by someone that you have to wait like everyone else to get into your server.

And then to come here and have players holding all the power: "If you do this to me I'll run and cry to the devs."

It makes admins not want to run servers.

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Yeah but' date=' I can see it from the admin's side.

It sucks to pay for a server and be told by someone that you have to wait like everyone else to get into your server.

And then to come here and have players holding all the power: "If you do this to me I'll run and cry to the devs."

It makes admins not want to run servers.


Never had a problem like this in my server, although it is fairly new. It's regularly full and I've never even thought about kicking someone for a slot. If host's can't handle the rules that they agreed to when they offered to host then they should get blacklisted.

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Yeah but' date=' I can see it from the admin's side.

It sucks to pay for a server and be told by someone that you have to wait like everyone else to get into your server.

And then to come here and have players holding all the power: "If you do this to me I'll run and cry to the devs."

It makes admins not want to run servers.


Well I am tired of being kicked. The least he could do is say, "Hey, I am going to have to ask you to leave so one of my clan members can join." Then I could get a second to go and lay down in the woods for a minute. I wouldn't be so sore then. I was just under the impression that the rules apply to everyone.

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Yeah but' date=' I can see it from the admin's side.

It sucks to pay for a server and be told by someone that you have to wait like everyone else to get into your server.

And then to come here and have players holding all the power: "If you do this to me I'll run and cry to the devs."

It makes admins not want to run servers.


Well I am tired of being kicked. The least he could do is say, "Hey, I am going to have to ask you to leave so one of my clan members can join." Then I could get a second to go and lay down in the woods for a minute. I wouldn't be so sore then. I was just under the impression that the rules apply to everyone.

Well yes that's the way it should be done.

Like I said I see both sides. What bothers me is when people cry because someone that is shelling out cash for a server wants into his/her server.

Clearly that's not what happened here at all, of course. The admin was a dick, and that's crap.

But, being an admin myself, our server(s) are consistently full...and sometimes I have to ask people to leave to make room...because I want to play on my server. I just don't kick willy nilly though.

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I honestly don't understand kicking for players. I play with a group of around ten people most of the time, and we all get in to my 25 slot server easily. It may take ten minutes to get everyone in, but so what? My server has plenty of regulars as well, who seem to only play on my server - and I appreciate that - they all get in when the server is near full too.

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It's a hard situation for us admins.

Our community (Not UO), the one that runs Dallas 1, can barely pay for our 35 slot server. We'd like to be able to kick to make room for our Supporting Members, but that isn't happening. As a result, those supporting members are getting angry at us and dropping their donations.

It really is a ridiculous situation. All because one clan abused the privilege in the beginning of DayZ. *cough*We Are Legion*cough*

And on-topic: This man should lose his server. We other admins suffer through it, he shouldn't be allowed to skate by.

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rockets post on this issue.

Originally we trialed allowing servers to kick out players who had either donated money or were clan members of the owner' date=' to allow space for someone else. Abuse of this became RAMPANT...

...Think about it, if we let server owners do this, what is stopping them from kicking someone who just killed them? What is to stop them kicking people for arbitrary reasons? Who polices this? The policy is in place because it makes sense...

...The current rules weren't picked out of nowhere, we know they aren't perfect. We're just trying to make the best of the situation and keep things going...

[b']...In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc...

Neo was not happy when he saw people getting kicked, but it wasn't until the admin was a total dick about it that he reported it on the forums. Neo has reported it; now it's up to the mods/devs to deal with it. The rules are clear on this issue, end of story.

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Neo was not happy when he saw people getting kicked' date=' but it wasn't until the admin was a total dick about it that he reported it on the forums. Neo has reported it; now it's up to the mods/devs to deal with it. The rules are clear on this issue, end of story.


Thank you. I was just trying to remind him that it isn't allowed. Then he kicks me. I have been kicked probably 10 times in the last couple days. I mean if the admin was nice about it, I wouldn't have brought it to the forums, but he was a complete tool about it to me and my friends. I've had enough of it. These guys don't deserve a server anymore. I also think they have restarted the server as a result of us stealing their bus, but I can't prove anything, so whatever.

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Tough luck - you're paying to host a server, not to be given special entitlements. If you're butthurt over having to pay for a server and not getting anything unique from it, the answer is simple:

Stop hosting.

The mod has developed into a pseudo MMO - it isn't "just" a themed shooter game anymore, it has actual persistence. So man up, stop whining and make a decision...

PS: Kicking and banning is actually one of the server hosting commandments - you agreed to not do this when you were given the server files.

These guys don't deserve a server anymore. I also think they have restarted the server as a result of us stealing their bus' date=' but I can't prove anything, so whatever.


Record the kick, proof in hand.

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Hey, I am bumping so that this doesn't get swept under the rug by all of the 1.71 issues.

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The admin abuse needs to be resolved! Still abusing their powers, still kicking people for clan members. I am tired of running along in the middle of looting when out of the blue "Kicked from server". Here goes another Legion server that isn't being dealt with.

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I think it will be dealt with, dont worry. I reported some jerks doing this a while ago and their server got shutdown and is long gone now. There is justice in dayz.

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There is justice in dayz.

Well, not for everyone. Cheaters and duplicaters are still running, and I think they are ruining the game far more than abusing admins.

Of course, such admins shouldn't be allowed because they're dicks. But you should have in mind that there are far more players exploiting in the game than abusing admins.

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This is why i purchased two servers, you always have the chance to login one. and if its full, just click "Join" and enter and try for 30sec-3mins you'll eventually get in. Or time ur logins with the schedule restarts.

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I have been tempted to restart the server to allow myself in and I did not do it. I have waited 10 minutes smacking the enter key to get into my own server. I don't want special treatment for myself or my people.

I started hosting purely because I didn't want to have to worry about what just happened with the server I am playing on. Tents gone for 10 hours at a time and poor server performance because no one is around to restart it.

I have been keeping things nice for people and trying to resolve disputes reasonably, although some players just tend to try and ride you when they know you are a server admin. They just want to bait you into a conflict so they can get some screenshots and come on here and trash you in the forums.

Totally not saying that is what this is all about. I will tell you that I haven't exactly enjoyed playing much lately though, because of all the outside pressure from others to do what they want.

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Need a dev to review this case. There is solid evidence in the admins abusing their power and yet the server still goes on. The abuse continues and nothing is done about it.

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Hey I am going to go ahead and keep bumping this until it gets reviewed by an admin. This evidence can't be refuted and I would like it not to be ignored.

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