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To the guy I killed on the 2419 server in Starry, Nov 23rd.

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Edited by Hikurac
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That was me. No worries, It was my birthday, too.

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:/ sure u dont want anything? coyote bp, nvg's, mk48, m249 saw, or a as50?

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Um, I don't understand why these are posted here. What are the odds the guy will find this topic? Anyways, best of luck on trying to find him.

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His name was something like [AB] Dark. I forget the rest. Pretty sure the first poster was him. Hopefully.

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No, I don't want anything, it's fine, I honestly don't mind. Don't give people anything, because they're probably just saying it to get loot and then kill you, especially Tiger, he apparently teams up with 12-13 year olds and then shoots them in the back, lol.

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