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I love how this game makes you feel

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No game i have ever played can affect me like this one has, every range of emotion has hit me on Dayz from euphoria of feeling like and invincible badass to genuinely shit your pants scared to guilt ridden.

I remember my first kill, i remember the guy claiming he was friendly but still trying to keep me crosshaired, I remember the lack of trust I had when he claimed friendly. I had good gear, I couldn't trust him I killed him, and I felt like crap for it.

Nothing makes you shit your pants like having good gear and have a sniper emptying dmr mags at you, hands shaking pulse racing just trying to get to safety.

And those hilarious moments when you come out on top against all odds that make you feel unstoppable.

Tonight was a funny night, after being sniped at Mishkino (sorry for inaccurate spelling) I spawned at Komarovo, my friend at cherno and we decided to try and meet up, I headed into balota with only a hatchet and on my way in at night i see two guys crouch walk into one of the guard huts (little security checkpoints at the road) i drop to prone hoping they don't see me wondering how i can get around.

To my surprise they turn around close the door behind them and stare at the ground, I roll round to the door for a closer look and they seem to be just in there sorting gear, I'm normally a good player not really the bandit type but every-so-often I will mix it up, I crouch equip my axe and open the door just as they turn to look at me and I start swinging, first guy gets off a few mak rounds but I hear his leg break and move on to his friend. I leave the airstrip with 2 notches on my axe feeling pretty badass and guilt free as the odds where stacked against me.

Upon entering Cherno my friend tells me he has just been killed at the fire-station and feeling confident from my earlier event I decide to try and avenge him. I climb onto the town hall and scan the town, I spot a player dressed similarly to how my friend described his murderer and i climb down and follow him into the bar knowing only one of us would exit alive.

I lay prone in the front room waiting for him to finish looting and as he appears in the doorway I shout in DC die bitch (childish i know but the adrenaline had got to me) and it takes 3 Makarov mags to finish him. Problem was after looting his gear and checking his name we realise I have just gunned down a completely random guy, and i felt pretty shitty.

I guess my point is dev team, community, everyone who makes this game like it is good and bad, THANKYOU, I genuinely love this game, and some people need to see how good it is and stop whining. And secondly, sorry dude in the bar, mistaken identity...

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I agree. This is why I love this game and haven't touched much else since I first started playing in June. You can go from scoping in and stalking a dude innocently looting knowing you can ''end'' his life in a second to being on 1000 blood, pitch black night in a storm with no food/drink and zombies all around.

My first ''life'' I remember how desperate it was, trying to head north only to spend 30 minutes looping in a full circle back to where I started. No food/drink, night time, severely low blood passing out stuck in the corner of a barn...since then, i've had so many moments and emotions in this game I wouldn't have felt elsewhere. fear, happiness, rage, feeling tense, remorse...

Rocket has my beans.

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This game has given me the most genuine feelings than any other game I own. Never have I gotten such an adrenaline rush from a confrontation with another player, and that feeling is what makes me keep coming back.

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