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DayZ - Hatchet Killing Montage

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wow, i bet you had DAYS of footage to make these 4:06 minutes because your aim with that axe s pure shit. Sorry mate, i aint a fond of brainless running like this... i wanted to see all those that gave you a quick headshot. Or the ones with some real firepower.

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wow, i bet you had DAYS of footage to make these 4:06 minutes because your aim with that axe s pure shit. Sorry mate, i aint a fond of brainless running like this... i wanted to see all those that gave you a quick headshot. Or the ones with some real firepower.

I agree completely. This video wasn't really meant to be serious. Im just testing the waters right now. Its more of a silly video. Thanks for your creative criticism!

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Well I enjoyed it. The axe is my favouite weapon. :thumbsup:

What I want to know is, why was their a dead man hanging from a street-light outside the church? :huh:

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Well I enjoyed it. The axe is my favouite weapon. :thumbsup:

What I want to know is, why was their a dead man hanging from a street-light outside the church? :huh:

Hehe thanks, The server added some cool aesthetics.

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The only "Bandit" i saw in the "Server" was you hmmmm :emptycan:

I mostly found people because I could hear the killing of other players. Plus everyone was reset because of a hacker.

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What the hell is this shit?

killing montage videos? CoD kiddies invading this mod is just so sad.

Lets hope they make SA even harder so they understand this is not a frikken FPS where K/D ratio is = winning

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It amazes me that people will PvP and when someone does it with an axe instead of a big gun there's moaning and griping. Ah well, you can't please everyone all of the time. :)

Actually, thinking about it, this must be a private hive video what with that dead guy hanging from the street-light. I think this needs to go in the private hive forums but I'll check. :thumbsup:

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What the hell is this shit?

killing montage videos? CoD kiddies invading this mod is just so sad.

Lets hope they make SA even harder so they understand this is not a frikken FPS where K/D ratio is = winning

Woah man. I don't even play cod. Infact I hate cod.Obviously this isn't a video of my 360 520 backflip hatchet kill. This is a compilation of killing clips. Know what your talking about before you speak. And plus I've had so much experience in this game. So don't even pull that card out.

Edited by InfctedMushr00m

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It amazes me that people will PvP and when someone does it with an axe instead of a big gun there's moaning and griping. Ah well, you can't please everyone all of the time. :)

Actually, thinking about it, this must be a private hive video what with that dead guy hanging from the street-light. I think this needs to go in the private hive forums but I'll check. :thumbsup:

I appreciate it man. Yeah some people are more stubborn than a stripped screw. It's okay. Im just seeing what people think anyways.

And no problem if it needs to be moved wherever it belongs.

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I'm a new mod, so to be honest with you, InfctedMushrOOm, I'm not entirely sure yet but I'll check. I think the Private Hive Discussion forum is going to get bigger and bigger with so many private hives. I've only been on an official server for maybe five minutes in the last month or so. I'm playing just private hives these days, it's a good way to avoid scriddies, though the map changes without warning on some hives do drive me nuts. :huh:

Btw, I really liked that added extra of the body, made me smile. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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I mostly found people because I could hear the killing of other players. Plus everyone was reset because of a hacker.

You seem fairly susceptible to bullets have you seen the Matrix you should change your name to "NEO"

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I'm a new mod, so to be honest with you, InfctedMushrOOm, I'm not entirely sure yet but I'll check. I think the Private Hive Discussion forum is going to get bigger and bigger with so many private hives. I've only been on an official server for maybe five minutes in the last month or so. I'm playing just private hives these days, it's a good way to avoid scriddies, though the map changes without warning on some hives do drive me nuts.

Btw, I really liked that added extra of the body, made me smile.

I love private hives aswell. It's great when you don't have to worry about hackers as much. But recently since everyone is on private hives, hackers are starting to target them. Buts its okay cause most admins are quick about it.

And tbh. I think the private hive section has turned into advertising your server section. But that's not up to me haha.

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You seem fairly susceptible to bullets have you seen the Matrix you should change your name to "NEO"

Hehe, What you didn't see was me dying shortly after every kill. I didn't mind it. I was playing around anyways haha.

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Ahhh the infamous axe. you sir deserve my beans :D

Also what server is this ? i like the idea of having some props that add to the immersion

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Ahhh the infamous axe. you sir deserve my beans :D

Also what server is this ? i like the idea of having some props that add to the immersion

Its the Doorman is God server. Becareful cause NOONE is friendly on there.

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You seem fairly susceptible to bullets have you seen the Matrix you should change your name to "NEO"

killing axe maniacs is my favourite sport,so i can tell how it works, and i'm sorry but i don't know if you have ever tryed to kill someone running around you with an hatchet,with a makarov and you don't shoot first..it's not so easy..the revolver sucks too, and the guy was crouching still in the worst spot in the whole corner shop..finally you can see that all the people showed are not so careful and they are nothing dangerous for our OP and his determination to kill..

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The Doorman is God server gets crazy sometimes. I remember stealing an offroad from a 10 man squad, only to find myself being chased by almost every car in the game. Awesome times.

Great video.

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The Doorman is God server gets crazy sometimes. I remember stealing an offroad from a 10 man squad, only to find myself being chased by almost every car in the game. Awesome times.

Great video.

Wow man. That insane xD. I was playing today and I saw a heli just fly by and crash right before my eyes. Server is chaotic.

Thanks man :)

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I don't say this about many men, but you sir..have nice cleavage.


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