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Horrible Artifacting

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I loaded up the game for 15 minutes on Thursday to show a buddy and it worked great. Load it up tonight (Computer was off entire time) and I get this horrible artificating. Nvdia drivers are up to date (For official releases, not beta). Doing a Shift+Minus+flush does nothing. I tried the graphics changes (Threading, Occlusion, etc) and it dosnt do anything. Thoughts on this?



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Could your card be overheating?

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Manually boosted the fan speed to 100% and monitored via MSI AfterBurner. Card didnt get hotter than 62*C on load. In game I set the graphics to default. Average load on my GPU is ~50%.

I just installed the Beta nvidia drivers, no change.

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Thanks for the reply... my translator is on vacation though.

So anyone else have any ideas?

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