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BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1

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Seeing a lot of kicks for this tonight, anybody else seeing this?

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Yeah I just started joining and it's been kicking me from a server I joined about 20 minutes ago now its constant kicking can't even join the server and it's the same BattlEye #1 restriction

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Im assuming its not player related, restarted my server and it let me join back after continuously getting this error. Possibly a bug in the latest dayz.

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Server updated today, The problem has been eradicated... Just like the zombies :D

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Look at createvehicle.log

You will see it is "seagul" realated.

Comment out "seagul" line in createvehicle.txt and profit.

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Ok so i have spent about an hour trying to do this "comment out seagul" line in createvehicle.txt" but for the life of me i cant find where i actually do this. Im not good with these sort of things. I cant even find a createvehicle.txt thing on my pc, i cant play dayz atm because i keep getting kicked for the battleye createvehcle restriction #1. any help would be appreciated.

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Ok so i have spent about an hour trying to do this "comment out seagul" line in createvehicle.txt" but for the life of me i cant find where i actually do this. Im not good with these sort of things. I cant even find a createvehicle.txt thing on my pc, i cant play dayz atm because i keep getting kicked for the battleye createvehcle restriction #1. any help would be appreciated.

It's a server file

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The fix for this is... for server admins..

Find your battleeye folder on the server and edit the createvehicle.txt, find where it says

5 "SeaGull" 

and edit it to where it looks like this instead

//5 "SeaGull"

the // remove the action (5 which is log and kick)

You also may need to go into your battleeye config.cfg file and scroll to the bottom to where it says


and make it


This will disable BE from pulling a new createvehicle.txt and overwriting ur changes.

Edited by shibdib

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The fix for this is... for server admins..

Find your battleeye folder on the server and edit the createvehicle.txt, find where it says

5 "SeaGull" 

and edit it to where it looks like this instead

//5 "SeaGull"

the // remove the action (5 which is log and kick)

You also may need to go into your battleeye config.cfg file and scroll to the bottom to where it says


and make it


This will disable BE from pulling a new createvehicle.txt and overwriting ur changes.

Wouldn't that allow hackers to create vehicles?

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been seeing a rash of this today along with corrupted data #3. Sounds like Battleye trying to narrow something down. Restarting server seemed to help it a bit when people started seagulling.

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Been getting both errors all day long. The only fix is a restart and temporary at that.

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Can you try one thing for me. Empty the "MpMissionCache" folder at your appdata folder and try join your favorite server.

Edited by mokum

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did anyone ever find out why this is happened ? My server was running stable, now everyone gets

CreateVehicle restriction #0


when joining....


why is this? Does commenting out the 5 "SeaGull" stop this?


will this allow hackers to spawn cars?


please reply

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There is a specific thread pinned for BE Filters, use it and give us more infos, dayZ version, the log of the error, the kick message, ...

Edited by Ameo

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