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Global Ban list? Ban for installing other maps?

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Hi guys,

Is there a way to tell why you were banned?

I installed DayZ Commander and installed all the other maps during the night. When I woke up and tried to play, I was banned for #85a92.

Installing the mods would do that?

I had a couple of "kicks" when trying to change my clothing in game.

Sorry to post it here, I know you dont have nothing to do with that, but someone might know.

Thank you,

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DayZ do not have anything to do with global bans, search into Google: "Battleye support" because Battleye handle the Global Bans. It says you will not be banned for using anything except hacks so someone may have stolen your CD-Key or you are a liar.

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Did a quick search but only came back with "one-hit". A forum-topic created yesterday at a site named *popular hacking site name removed.* I dont know, seems legit from a .me p.o.v. :P

Installing mods through popular programs, such as DayZ Commander will not get your GUID banned.

A search for DayZ Navigator came back with 4,500-hits..all first-few pages had "cheats" & "hacks" in description. The word "Navigator" makes me think its a teleporter-type. I'd start punching your brother now!



Edited by Fraggle

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