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So I run seattle 32 and have had it for about a week. My clan and 3 other clan's that play regularly on it have all found 2 car's each and some solo player's have the atv's and white tuck's. Everything has been great all week the car's always there when I log in. So today I played all morning doing cherno pickups and nwa loot scoop's in our van. I logged to go get lunch and 2 hour's later i come back to my regular's sending me pms on steam saying the server crashed. I restart it and log in to my car being gone. I'm thinking oh well someone stole it but then I start geting more pms about missing vehicle's. So me and some player's looked into it further and they all respawned to there respawn points. Has anyone else had this issue or having it now. Did the main HIVE have an issue and reset all vehicle's? I'm going to end up losing some real good regular's if all there hard work is gone. Thanks for anyone who can help or give info!

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