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Get a Data File Too Short Error

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Today, I downloaded the newest updates for both Arma II and DayZ using DayZCommander. But when I tried getting onto the server I usually play on that has been updated as well I get this error.

Data File Too Short '(Then it says where the file is)' Expected 37420111 B, got 10158848 B. Then it exits out of the game. Anyone know what is wrong?

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One more thing it is in the 'Arma 2 Opereation Arrowhead\@DayZ\addons\dayz_weapons.pbo' place

Edited by ke5ykw

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Come on guys, I have been waiting five hours to play this. I uninstalled ARMA II OA and reinstalled and it is still doing the same thing. I have tried using Play with Six (Usually play with DayZCommander) But i get a different error. Tried doing it manually and launched Arma II OA and it gave the weapon error again. I REALLY NEED HELP!

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What was the different error you got? Are you sure the server you've been playing on, haven't changed to a different dayz mod?

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It did it for all servers the other error was some nil thing. I'm trying uninstalling and reinstalling all games for it at the moment. But ARMA 2 OA on Steam is like stuck on downloading screen. Whenever I click resume updating it goes immediately to suspended and back to Update Paused.

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One final thing I got the games finished downloading. I use DayZ Commander and when i try to install the "Arma 2" part using it, it says wrong cd code. I bought all the games through Steam so I have no idea why it isn't working.

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First of all, you need to be specific about the error message you get if you want help. This issue already in the sticky. Run Steam as admin, verify integrity and run both A2 and OA. DL Dayz through dayz commander and you should be good to go.

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ok i have same problem so i will go through what ive done.

i brought arma 2 and arma 2 OA today on the steam sale, i launched arma 2 all the way to the multiplayer menu but didnt do it for arma 2 OA (mistake #1), tried to launch dayz through dayzcommander after updating to the new dayz and arma 2, but it wouldnt let me launch the game, my error is as follows;

Data file too short 'c:\program files

(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation

arrowhead\@DayZ\addons\dayz.pbo'. Expected 25270671 B, got


i then tried to launch arma 2 OA straight from steam and came up with same error. i deleted both arma 2 and arma 2 AH files and reinstalled both games, launched arma 2 straight from steam again and it worked all good then tried arma 2 OA and it came up with same error.

i then closed steam completely and reopened as administrator then clicked on arma 2 OA / properties / local files / verify intergrity of game cache... waited for that to finish and it came up

'1 files failed to validate and will be reacquired'

and the close botton nothing else, im guessing its referring to the error but it doesnt give me a solution.

PS. my brother had his saved arma 2 and arma OA on my computer login from when he was using his steam account on it, not sure if that helps or not.

Thank-you for your time and hope to hear a response

Edited by player22bob

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ok guys i took a risk and just deleted the


from the files and it started up straight away, it worked all the way past the mission breifing and then it said

you have an outdated version of 'dayz_anim' please download the correct version

one step closer to playing the game haha

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Well if you both A2 and OA runs fine you're on the final stretch. :) I suggest DLing Dayz Commander and using that to install Dayz. Uninstall Dayz first though.

Edit: One thing since you're new. If anyone ever offers you a fix here or on YouTube in the means of a file, never ever run it. There are script kiddies out there that make phony programs that steal your CD-key and then sell it to other script kiddies. Be vigilant.Only DL from official sites.

Edited by Rakrul

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