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OMG more LLJK goon hacking!!!!!!

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As if every single stupid jerk somethinggayandawful member duping NVGs and other highend look wasn't enough, now they're laughing about hacking. Pretty sure we know who to blame for all of Rocket's problems.

Thread is here: (The jerk is called "Slamscooty" He is a raging dick head.)


Am I a bad person for getting thousands of people on ArmA2 banned' date=' and blowing up servers of 50 people just to see the rage that they spew in chat after they lose their 3 hours of work?


and then later in that thread....

Well' date=' I figured out how to spawn bombs on top of players in game using the scripting engine, while thousands of people had already been using the scripting engine to do inconsequential stuff like spawn weapons. I then proceeded to post the script all over 4chan, knowing they would make full use of it as my friend and I went from server to server and systematically blew each one of them up, mostly having targeted the reddit server. This went on for about 3 days before it became super rampant, and the reddit server got so upset by this that they decided to password their server, which is against the developer's rules and will lead to their server being blacklisted. (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/commen...ing_we_will_be/)

All of this happening lead to the developer, rocket, to become extremely upset. He shut down ALL of the servers for about 30 minutes, and then banned any player who ever ran a script in the game, which totaled in the thousands. This perma-banned all of the users across all of the ARMA 2 servers which have battleye on.

I made a few videos of it, they're nothing spectaular, you can read the chat though at the bottom left if you set it to 1080p.


SomethingFaggyAndAwful is the scourge of the internet gaming community. We should hunt them down and kill them all. At the very least, track down their identities and make them known. Names, addresses, phone numbers, high school report cards, favorite Subway sandwiches.... THE WORKS.

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Lol its pretty funny that he's claiming responsibility for this script hack.

All those hacks of his have been around for years! One I heard that while people were playing PR:ArmA2 they got teleported somewhere, and this was a 100 player server, and all had RPGs in their crotches.

Another time I was poofed into a rabbit. Hilarious really. w/e

No need to rage about it. Just wait for these loops to get fixed.

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these guys maybe think that they have potential, or creativity. They have not, they are simple users... sadly destroying the work of a creative mind. thats life.

it like compared to:

a creative super mind creates a kitchen. All the people get excited. try stuff out "hey I can cook a rabbit" the other one "hey I can make a cake" etc.. it gets popular. Then there comes the destroyer he thinks its original to change the ettiquettes of the ingredients or destroy some of the machines. He thinks he tricked the nature or made sth. meaningful out of this nonsense.

No he did not. He only used stuff that a master mind created and only destryoed things. He only did use stuff he did not Create stuff.

in order to be creative or intelliegnt you have to be the person who creates "the kitchen" - to build something up from nothing - not the user who just want so search for loop holes. that is what children do. look for frontiers till mum and dad come home and yell at them.. children business.

that divides boys from men. there has not yet to be seen one pussy on this earth who wants to f*ck a boy rather than a man.. so little hackers.. if you wanna get laid grow up and get creative rather than destructive. thx.

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Ignore them ..

They will probably commit suicide at 16 anyway so who gives a fuck about them.

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It amazes me that those people don't even realize that they are hurting moddable gaming in general, this kinda bullshit doesnt piss me off because i wasnt affected by it, i wasnt on the servers when it happened. I dont give a shit if i lose a game character.

What pisses me the fuck off is that they give excuses to asshole developers lately that LOCKDOWN their games from any sort of modding, and enfoce "hack-free" online-only bullshit systems and DRM (like Diablo 3).

This behavior only leads to INCREASE that from new games and developers.

Thanks alot, assholes. You're ruining the games industry, not improving it.

I'm guessing they like Arma or DayZ in general since they bother with this, so why the fuck don't they want the game / mod to succeed and grow in popularity, which would only lead to it becoming more polished and well designed? I mean, how narrowminded and idiotic can they possible be? It's like an alcoholic blowing up a beer brewery, why the hell would you even do that? Enjoy the fucking beer instead.....

I guess they don't like games? Have fun with Solitaire.

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As if every single stupid jerk somethinggayandawful member duping NVGs and other highend look wasn't enough' date=' now they're laughing about hacking. Pretty sure we know who to blame for all of Rocket's problems.

Thread is here: (The jerk is called "Slamscooty" He is a raging dick head.)


Am I a bad person for getting thousands of people on ArmA2 banned' date=' and blowing up servers of 50 people just to see the rage that they spew in chat after they lose their 3 hours of work?


and then later in that thread....

Well' date=' I figured out how to spawn bombs on top of players in game using the scripting engine, while thousands of people had already been using the scripting engine to do inconsequential stuff like spawn weapons. I then proceeded to post the script all over 4chan, knowing they would make full use of it as my friend and I went from server to server and systematically blew each one of them up, mostly having targeted the reddit server. This went on for about 3 days before it became super rampant, and the reddit server got so upset by this that they decided to password their server, which is against the developer's rules and will lead to their server being blacklisted. (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/commen...ing_we_will_be/)

All of this happening lead to the developer, rocket, to become extremely upset. He shut down ALL of the servers for about 30 minutes, and then banned any player who ever ran a script in the game, which totaled in the thousands. This perma-banned all of the users across all of the ARMA 2 servers which have battleye on.

I made a few videos of it, they're nothing spectaular, you can read the chat though at the bottom left if you set it to 1080p.


SomethingFaggyAndAwful is the scourge of the internet gaming community. We should hunt them down and kill them all. At the very least, track down their identities and make them known. Names, addresses, phone numbers, high school report cards, favorite Subway sandwiches.... THE WORKS.

You condemn an entire community for the actions of one member? There are plenty of people in that thread against what he did. SA is a vary vibrant and extensive community that covers a wide range of hobbies from video games, television, anime to art, sports, cooking, and animals.

Most people would only like to browse some of those forums, and a lot do not care about the games section. Yet you wish to open up people you never met to personal threats because of a video game? You want to murder over 160,000 people because of the actions of one? You sure are a classy fellow.

Yet SA members are the immature ones?

Ignore them ..

They will probably commit suicide at 16 anyway so who gives a fuck about them.

I assure you the majority of SA members are well above the average age of this forum.

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As if every single stupid jerk somethinggayandawful member duping NVGs and other highend look wasn't enough' date=' now they're laughing about hacking. Pretty sure we know who to blame for all of Rocket's problems.

Thread is here: (The jerk is called "Slamscooty" He is a raging dick head.)


Am I a bad person for getting thousands of people on ArmA2 banned' date=' and blowing up servers of 50 people just to see the rage that they spew in chat after they lose their 3 hours of work?


and then later in that thread....

Well' date=' I figured out how to spawn bombs on top of players in game using the scripting engine, while thousands of people had already been using the scripting engine to do inconsequential stuff like spawn weapons. I then proceeded to post the script all over 4chan, knowing they would make full use of it as my friend and I went from server to server and systematically blew each one of them up, mostly having targeted the reddit server. This went on for about 3 days before it became super rampant, and the reddit server got so upset by this that they decided to password their server, which is against the developer's rules and will lead to their server being blacklisted. (http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/commen...ing_we_will_be/)

All of this happening lead to the developer, rocket, to become extremely upset. He shut down ALL of the servers for about 30 minutes, and then banned any player who ever ran a script in the game, which totaled in the thousands. This perma-banned all of the users across all of the ARMA 2 servers which have battleye on.

I made a few videos of it, they're nothing spectaular, you can read the chat though at the bottom left if you set it to 1080p.


SomethingFaggyAndAwful is the scourge of the internet gaming community. We should hunt them down and kill them all. At the very least, track down their identities and make them known. Names, addresses, phone numbers, high school report cards, favorite Subway sandwiches.... THE WORKS.

You condemn an entire community for the actions of one member? There are plenty of people in that thread against what he did. SA is a vary vibrant and extensive community that covers a wide range of hobbies from video games, television, anime to art, sports, cooking, and animals.

Most people would only like to browse some of those forums, and a lot do not care about the games section. Yet you wish to open up people you never met to personal threats because of a video game? You want to murder over 160,000 people because of the actions of one? You sure are a classy fellow.

Yet SA members are the immature ones?

Ignore them ..

They will probably commit suicide at 16 anyway so who gives a fuck about them.

I assure you the majority of SA members are well above the average age of this forum.

Just when we all thought it was over...

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Ignore them ..

They will probably commit suicide at 16 anyway so who gives a fuck about them.

I assure you the majority of SA members are well above the average age of this forum.

What the hell is SA ?

I was talking about the Hacking little fuck who cheated.

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Yes indeed all 160,000 members of the forum are personally responsible for the actions of one member when not only do the vast majority of them not know about those actions, most don't know that user or even visit that subforum!

PS godwin's law

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I hadn't realized taking the game servers down for 30minutes and banning a crap load of cheaters destroyed a game.

Are the servers still being "nuked"? Are people still playing the game? Is development still going to continue?

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My favorite sub is spicy italian. But you should know most goons subsist off of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. A better threat would be to take out the Frito-Lay factories. That should show those dirty hacking goons!

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My favorite sub is spicy italian. But you should know most goons subsist off of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. A better threat would be to take out the Frito-Lay factories. That should show those dirty hacking goons!

If he ever found out I drink coke I'd be in some serious trouble, much less he finds out that I also enjoy a spicy italian. I'm printing this thread off IRL right now, and going straight to my police department!

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Ignore them ..

They will probably commit suicide at 16 anyway so who gives a fuck about them.

na i give it 18 or 20 when they realize they won't ever get laid.

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Laugh it up, cunts. Your time against the wall will come.

And the hardcore legit Dayz community will laugh and laugh.

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Saying you wish someone dead over something like this is just stupid.

Sure the guys a sad twat who has set out in his mind to destroy this game but from what I can see that has not happened and we should just get on with testing this game.

I only feel pity for this guy really that he feels he needs to do this.

Game too hard for you Scumscooty?

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Saying you wish someone dead over something like this is just stupid.

Sure the guys a sad twat who has set out in his mind to destroy this game but from what I can see that has not happened and we should just get on with testing this game.

I only feel pity for this guy really that he feels he needs to do this.

Game too hard for you Scumscooty?

But it's not a game' date=' it's a social experiment! How can a social experiment be too hard for somebody?


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its sad that your all butthurt over a vidja game. i only play ultima 1 in dosbox to not sully the purity of my gaming experiences

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Calm down dudes.. this is a fucking VIDEOGAME. They may be idiot, but they are not commiting a damn crime! Are you all having an excess of testosterone?

Don't waste your time, they are trolls, they are griefers, they existed and they will exists forever. You cannot fight them, neither you can stop them, whatever you do you only FEED em. The only weapon you have against a troll is to IGNORE him.. but unfortunately this isn't going to happens, since there's always someone to open a thread like this, and they will continue until there's someone to give em attention.

This is the sad reality.. you can't do anything. Just calm down, sit and wait for better days... if you son't have the patience to do so, i suggest you to go out and ejoy the real world, there's so much fun out there.

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Saying you wish someone dead over something like this is just stupid.

Sure the guys a sad twat who has set out in his mind to destroy this game but from what I can see that has not happened and we should just get on with testing this game.

I only feel pity for this guy really that he feels he needs to do this.

Game too hard for you Scumscooty?

But it's not a game' date=' it's a social experiment! How can a social experiment be too hard for somebody?


Wtf it's not a game rocket.

I'm just another rat running around your maze.

Just goes to show you can't trust anyone.

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