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The Mysterious Beeping Noise

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Has been long since I started playing DayZ. Through my time playing I've seen some things, did things, and experienced things like no other. But it seems the thing that haunts me the most is a strange noise that permeates my ears. It sounds like a beep- possibly a car beep, faint and far away. But it's there. It comes sometimes when I'm least expecting; lost in the scenery or focused on the road ahead of me. And it seems, coincidentally, that I can hear this noise when ever a vehicle is near. NAY, it not be another player that sounds the horn, for I have known the sound even when I am the only soul in the server. But I know when I hear it there is something waiting for me.... So I ask to you, do you have a mysterious sign? Something that alerts you to a nearby presence that you know the result of is by some off-chance bug or engendered by something you can't explain?

The Technical Version of the Above Post

So that was me having fun with words. I enjoyed writing that; hoped you enjoyed reading that. Anyway, this is to clarify anything that I thought might have come up and didn't want to address above. First off, I'm not crazy. I ONLY hear that noise when playing DayZ, and it's random and comes when I don't even think about it. I don't have problems with my ears. I haven't modified DayZ files at all. At first, I'd talked to some people about it while we were playing. Back then, I usually only heard it in cities (which is understandable since they probably had a vehicle), so I'd assumed there was a bandit or someone driving a car and honking the horn. Overtime, I discovered the noise wasn't from a car, as I heard it one day when I was the only one in the server, and assuming zombies can't drive, defaulted to the assumption that the noise was random. It wasn't until I'd come across a few vehicles in towns while hearing it, then passed and NOT hearing it after that did I finally put 2 and 2 together. It took quite a bit of time. Another thing is it doesn't sound like a car beep. Doesn't sound like a GAZ, a Ural, a UAZ, a heli, boat, or any car/truck/boat/air vehicle/bike/cycle/ect. It just sounds like a beep....

So anyway, I was wondering if anyone had this weird instance? Or is it just me that is a automobile whisperer?

Edited by Neko-san

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Sometimes vehicles make an engine revving sound or beep when you are near them.

I think it's a position give-away mechanic.

Edited by Creep-

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Sometimes vehicles make an engine revving sound or beep when you are near them.

I think it's a position give-away mechanic.

Usually it's like 3km-150m radius. Which gets me annoyed because once I get in range of the town I can't hear it anymore and have to go searching through the whole place. Usually I hear it in between towns or on the outskirts.

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You sure you werent close to The Mountain? If you ever find yourself near Zelenogorsk, do not go close to The Mountain with a huge tower on top of it.

That place is pure evil and will fuck your mind up.

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I believe I've heard this beep as well, but I hear a lot of things in DayZ that aren't actually there. I don't like to think I have a hearing problem, I'm just going insane. BUT I did like the way you wrote it the first time, it gave me chills making me think of DayZ and being all alone. Like a creepy story without the "then I turned the corner and there laid a body of a million raped souls." You know something corny.

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You sure you werent close to The Mountain? If you ever find yourself near Zelenogorsk, do not go close to The Mountain with a huge tower on top of it.

That place is pure evil and will fuck your mind up.

I believe I've heard this beep as well, but I hear a lot of things in DayZ that aren't actually there. I don't like to think I have a hearing problem, I'm just going insane. BUT I did like the way you wrote it the first time, it gave me chills making me think of DayZ and being all alone. Like a creepy story without the "then I turned the corner and there laid a body of a million raped souls." You know something corny.

I tested the beeping noise. Was on my way to Elektro from Cherno. Heard the noise. In front of me, only spawn points were at Cap Golova for a bike. Solinichy for and IDK, and Pik Kozlova for the ATV. Nothing at Solinichiy or Cap Golova. Next to the mountain, the beeping stopped. Went up and found the ATV there.

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I always hear noises that don't seem to be there...

It kind of creeps me out, actually. I often hear distance gunfire, and when I venture over there...nothing is there and I realise I am alone on the server.

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I always hear noises that don't seem to be there...

It kind of creeps me out, actually. I often hear distance gunfire, and when I venture over there...nothing is there and I realise I am alone on the server.

Yeah same, a big one that I always hear are flies. I always seem to hear flies that are a few feet away and whenever I try to get closer they stay at the same sound distance like they're moving with me.

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its the ghosts of the bambis you've killed coming to haunt you oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh

Edited by Jimmy.

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Yeah same, a big one that I always hear are flies. I always seem to hear flies that are a few feet away and whenever I try to get closer they stay at the same sound distance like they're moving with me.

Rumored that if you hear flies that, like you said, move with you, it is a bad omen for death to come. Whether it is you or another is a different story.

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