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The DC'ing is getting fucktarded.

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Already been said. Many times.

It almost certainly will be addressed by Rocket, judging by his posts in those numerous, numerous other threads.

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It's a total pain and those guys are arseholes for doing it, but there isn't a feature in place to address yet unfortunately.

Given time, I'm sure we'll see one...I hope.

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Typical Bandit:

Loves to camp noobs

DCs when shit hits the fan

I said it before: Until rocket takes a stand, DCing is just the first in a long line of exploits under the guise of "it's a game." I've had entire groups DC even though I was outnumbered. I've had people DC in-between AS50 shots from the hills in Elektro, and you know what? That's exactly the people we are catering to. It will be a constant, exploitable issue until the community changes its tune and actually starts acting like they care about this mod, not just their own gear.

If it's not DCing, it will be barricades, or server hopping, but it won't stop until we treat DayZ better.

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Get some proof and ask the server admins to ban their ass.

I am the server admin.

I am banning them.

I'm just putting their bullshit names out.

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With 295 posts to your credit, I do not see any reason for another thread on a subject that you are fully aware of.


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