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Warp Theory

Please don't implement passing stool

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Zombie pudding! They will remain fed and will farm survivors for chocolate fudge pudding.

Bring it on, I'll crap in your ponds and smear crap all over your livestock!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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it should put you into shock if you smell too much

I think I just died of laughter.

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Puts a new meaning to "I'm just going to log off"

Just think of all the youtube vids of people being caught literally with their pants down!

Def should be in game. With varying sounds for constipation and diarrhoea. Mybe if you get really sick you could vomit and have diarrhoea at the same time?!

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Waste of time to implement it.

Yeah I see no purpose in this, it really feels like the game would be more of a toilet humor masacare if shit was implemented...

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the game would be more of a toilet humor masacare if shit was implemented...

How can that possibly be a bad thing? :D

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Yup, I do agree that this would be seen as a joke and it would only detract from the feeling of dread and suspense the game currently has. Apart from being every griefer and troll's wet dream.

Edited by Rivy

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Yeah I see no purpose in this, it really feels like the game would be more of a toilet humor masacare if shit was implemented...

At first it will be as you say but do not worry as people will get bored of shitting on all the various objects thruout the Dayz world and move on.....just look at how we humans have adjusted to farting and moved on :rolleyes:

Edited by wolfstriked

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I dont like the idea of having to go for a crap or piss on a game its just overly realistic to a point where i might aswell create a zombie and let him loose myself and having a real zombie apocalyspe.

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Can we please be realistic on making the game realistic? There's a line here somewhere, not sure where, but I know having to micro manage poop/pee is over it.

You can have sickness in the game without actually forcing the player to go poop, puke, or pee somewhere. Something as easy / simple as a health synopsis about your character. It could list things like how often you've been eliminating, if you're puking, or other symptoms.

Think about it, how often do you excrete in real life? Unless you have some kind of problem down there, you poo MUCH less than you eat and drink ^-^

Pretty sure what he means is that it's silly how often you have to eat / drink in the game and if poop'n is going to be the same it's gonna suck. You can eat 3 times a day and be quite content. You can drink 5 times a day and be fine.

But in the game I have to drink an entire canteen like ever 30 minutes and eat about every hour.

So what he's saying is if he has to shit every hour in the game it's going to be really annoying. I tend to agree.

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My hope is that it will be as simple as eating a can of food. Just an animation like 5 seconds of being in a squat position. No silly long straining animations. I think the idea behind it is to make areas more unhealthy. Its not about the animation of having a shit. Its so that the populated areas becomes cesspools. Statistically the places that players are spending more time (Cherno, Elektro, NWAF and Starry) will be shit in more, thus making them more consequential to visit.

I'm sure Rockets idea is not about the act of having a dump, its about the effects.

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what POSSIBLE harm can it do to implement it and try it... thats the point of the early development phase. maybe the devs have a way of implementing it that we have not even considered that will be mature and game-changing. maybe it will be ridiculous and get patched out. either way i do not believe they will leave in a shitty mechanic that no one wants to see. yes pun was intended.

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it just sounds like to much of a hassle. I just want to pvp and shit. the game has enough micromanagement as it is but if the poop decomposed fast enough and you only had to do it like 12-24 hours ingame time i guess it would be ok.... I guess it would be ok too if there were toilets you could use.. i just dont want to crap as much as i eat and drink and stuff.

Ignoring that you said 'I just want to pvp and shit', go play another game if just want PvP, DayZ is a zombie suvival game not a PvP game.

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I personally think that the concept is sound. Especially considering the disease mechanics which are confirmed.

Concentration of waste will make your surroundings unclean. FACT.

It's better to give players some control over the situation, likely necessitating an animation/action, because I don't want my camp to become disease-ridden due to everyone auto-shitting.

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Rocket, my apologies, I only just saw your reply. You make sense but I think you're making my point for me at the same time! A water bottle is more than one 330ml can of Pepsi. So it should last longer, like chemilights and flares do. Then it's worth grabbing another if you see an empty one lying around. Or maybe they could take up more than one slot in the backpack. That way you win a little, you lose a little. And you can still drink it all down in one go by using it x amount of times, should you want to impose certain role-playing realities. :thumbsup: :beans: (...or find yourself in the hell-hole humidity and heat of Thailand) ;)

In Thailand, when I was there on exercise with the SAF, I spent most of the time as our Platoon GPMG Gunner. The heat, combined with wearing body armor and kevlar helmet, pack, etc... meant that I ended up drinking an entire jerry can of water in one day (about 18 litres). Regularly, when the opportunity availed itself, I would down an entire jerry can canteen.

Soldiers certainly learn to appreciate two things... water, and toilet paper.

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I don't know if they have a reasonable amount of decay for the crap and give the player some control over crapping then it should be ok.

Also if someone holds it for too long they should either get constipation or crap them selves.(the last one is actually a serious suggestion)

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