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Rocket, Don't leave us out the SA!

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It's not like BIS doesn't know about niche markets either.

BIS with dayz tasted the mass market, they won't come back now, if anything they will try to bring more chaps in until the idea works. Rocket can say anything he wants.. this market is piloted by money, not by dreams.

Maybe he's lying, but a girl can dream can't she?

It's advertising more than lies... anyone does that, it's the normality, i wouldn't expect him to say: "hey we're making it a little easier, so casual players will enjoy it more and we sell more..."; what he will obtain if not a bunch of mad nerds (us) blaiming at him? It's better to wait the release, when blaming doesn't have any effect anymore.

If there's anyone here that have followed the development of BF3.. lol.. a bunch of fanboys believing in the their words (dice is an honest team.. zhinto is my hero..), even after the alpha: but it will change.. blablabl... then everyone figured that it was a "new CoD" and the old BF2 age was over, because of money.

We never learn... but this time i will not wake up the last day; and yes I WILL BUY DAYZ the day the alpha will come out.. but i prefer to remain with my foots on the ground.

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Yeah, yesterday someone posted on twitter about an alien invasion... are you looking at the sky?

when that someone is rocket, and the sky is the one over chernarus, i'd be sure to look. IF you get what i mean.

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Lol @ WalkerDown, you seem to like speculating a lot I bet you study/studied philosophy IRL.

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Well, to put this topic to rest. Rocket is currently discussing the game development on the forums as I type. Nuff said really.

Edited by Fraggle

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BIS with dayz tasted the mass market, they won't come back now, if anything they will try to bring more chaps in until the idea works. Rocket can say anything he wants.. this market is piloted by money, not by dreams.

BIS have never ever catered to the mass markets friend.And now with Rocket running the show for Dayz and specifically stating that he was given the go to make the game as he sees fit,I doubt this will come true.

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