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*FORUM FEATURE SUGGESTION* Other than giving my beans, can I give something else?

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Giving beans has been a very natural tradition within DayZ in-game, and in the forums. Though this feature of denoting appreciation, approval, and even proof of acceptance, it is seemingly limited to my point of view to express one's approval through only one option. I would simply suggest adding other entities that can enhance the diversity of options the reader of a post has on the author. For example, A can of baked beans would represent the highest sign of approval. A can of pasta would represent an acceptable amount of agreeing with one's opinion. A can of sardines would denote mediocre support to one's statement, and lastly a empty tin can would show disapproval or even a evident remark of annoyance to an individual's audacious personality.

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good idea !

For my part I'ld just keep the good old' Baked beans !

But what about about throwing dirty can on a player when you disaprove with his thread. I mean an empty food can or any other litter-related item.

The picture would show the empty can with some bean's sauce stains or a fish bone

Others would see "Drakan ; jabberwock and 18 other players threw their dirty can on (playername)"

I think it's important to make the emphasis on the "dirty" as it shows something negative, it would make the message clearer; because trust me ; it can sometimes be hard for some new players to understand the meaning of such items on the forum.

(I personnaly needed few days befaure figuring out that the baked bean can was to give credit to someone's thread...")

It can be any other thing as soon that it's clear no ?


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Or, you could simply use the "Quick Reply" window at the bottom of the post and write the EXACT thing you want to express.

Too easy, maybe?

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Can I shoot someone in the leg with my Enfield and steal their beans if I consider them to be an incompetent arse-hat?

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Or, you could simply use the "Quick Reply" window at the bottom of the post and write the EXACT thing you want to express.

Too easy, maybe?

Clutters the forum with too much high fiving and tisk tisking.

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Why does it matter? If you've a problem with what someone has said, then reply and smash them into the ground with your better logic.

It annoys me because I've a strong feeling some people post soley to get dem beans.

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No, I think it would be disastrous for those who are trying t be reasonable and likeable on the forums. It would only take a couple of trolls or completely unreasonable people and BAM!!!! Goodbye Mr. good reputation.

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Good idea if it came out before this forum came out, remain the same to avoid any confusion I'll bean for the idea though

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Cooked meat

Cooked meat should be part of the positive votes too.. forgot to mention it ;)

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