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Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

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You know op you can hide from the L85 behind a tree or any other solid object thats big enough, it's not the op'd weapon you'd like us all to think it is. No it should not be removed, your comparing the current status in the mod which is loaded with duping bugs of one type or another and, that won't be in the final version. So it will be back to being a rare gun which is fine.

Add new weapons don't remove any.

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I think if we continue to have thermal weapons we should be allowed tanks, kill streaks, and pink camo weapons

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Yup, L85 has been removed and the AS50 dropped to a 0.01% spawn rate. I'm happy. :)

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I guess it will take time before the residual weapons will disapear.. but great move still !

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I love this guy! And since we aren't playing a milisim, we are playing a mod based off one....I like the unrealistic as50 and thermals...realism kind of goes out the window when you start talking about zombies

I thought the whole point of DayZ was to simulate the zombie apocalypse. That is why the people who play the game legit enjoy scrounging for raw materials just to make it through the next few hours. Is the engine not based off a milsim? It might have been a "has been" milsim but the basics still apply. Just because there is zombies in the game does not make everything void in the aspect of realism. Alot of people out there play this game because of its realism. So yea I think realism should be a goal as it has always been for Arma.

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I guess it will take time before the residual weapons will disapear.. but great move still !

Yeah, I still have an L85 on the main hive, lol. Might dump it in a bush in an empty server though. ;D

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Eh... less toys to play with. Less fun in the long run.

I don't even use L85 or as50. L85 is a junky firearm IMO, only the scope is semi useful for spotting. AS50 is powerful, but I don't like it since I can one shot with a DMR just as well if not better. But then... next thing you know someone will complain about how unrealistic and unsustainable a DMR is in a post apoc-world full of zombies.

Rocket already nerfed pistols (even the 45 cal) which is designed to be a body thumping stopper bullet. Now it takes almost a full mag to kill a person or zombie.........

Rocket nerfed einfields. No scope and was super loud, which was fine and a fun risk factor to firing it.

Theres more, but you get the picture for the direction things are going?

Come on... this games gonna get boring at this rate. Oh wait.... its already getting boring.

Edited by Seddrik

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Eh... less toys to play with. Less fun in the long run.

I don't even use L85 or as50. L85 is a junky firearm IMO, only the scope is semi useful for spotting. AS50 is powerful, but I don't like it since I can one shot with a DMR just as well if not better. But then... next thing you know someone will complain about how unrealistic and unsustainable a DMR is in a post apoc-world full of zombies.

Rocket already nerfed pistols (even the 45 cal) which is designed to be a body thumping stopper bullet. Now it takes almost a full mag to kill a person or zombie.........

Rocket nerfed einfields. No scope and was super loud, which was fine and a fun risk factor to firing it.

Theres more, but you get the picture for the direction things are going?

Come on... this games gonna get boring at this rate. Oh wait.... its already getting boring.

I totally agree with you for the Enfield ... But it isn't a reason for desesperating.

I think that the one shot feature of the Enfield was a triple AAA CLASSIC **** It should have remained like this.

I remember how we could own Cherno roofs with this weapon. Didn't seem overpowered by that time

But don't worry about the nerfing and all. I guess that they are testing all kinds of new tomatoe recipes for the standalone Baked bean's can

Edited by Drakan

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490x230_PehterevSN_web_enl.jpg looks useful and realistic enough. But need power source of course.

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Eh... less toys to play with. Less fun in the long run.

I don't even use L85 or as50. L85 is a junky firearm IMO, only the scope is semi useful for spotting. AS50 is powerful, but I don't like it since I can one shot with a DMR just as well if not better. But then... next thing you know someone will complain about how unrealistic and unsustainable a DMR is in a post apoc-world full of zombies.

Rocket already nerfed pistols (even the 45 cal) which is designed to be a body thumping stopper bullet. Now it takes almost a full mag to kill a person or zombie.........

Rocket nerfed einfields. No scope and was super loud, which was fine and a fun risk factor to firing it.

Theres more, but you get the picture for the direction things are going?

Come on... this games gonna get boring at this rate. Oh wait.... its already getting boring.

rocket didn't nerf any guns. BI nerfed them. Expect them to have the same damage they used too have in the standalone. Also, I don't think anyone will complain about the dmr. IMO it takes more skill than an m107 or as50. Out of all the snipers I shot, the dmr and the m24 took way more skill. Plus, the dmr is a m14 with a polymer body and a rifle scope. A very reliable gun IRL. Days has really strayed away from it's original idea. It was survival. Now it's simply a weapon hunting simulator, as food and supplies are way to abundant. As far as the l85: sad to see it go, but I understand it needs to be gone. And also yes, .50 BMG's are way light in game. Real soldiers put the barrel of the m107 on there shoulder and definitely can't run with it.

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I don't know if this feature is available in Arma 2 OA/CO

I guess you're talking about something mounted on a tripod or a vehicule, like the ones used in army (French army for example).

It's a sort of pickup truck with a mounted Thermal camera on the back, it is used for inland recognition on airfields and other wide open military spaces.

These pickups use to drive everyday among a whole area and take some stops so the aimer can scan static and in movement.

It is very hard, almost impossible to avoid. but it patrols only twice, three or four times a day. (these same guys are trained for enemy reconaissance, they are also the guys who will infiltrate the enemy or ally bases on exercise ; they use to dig special trenches for this duty)

The problem is more about the impact it has on game strategy and survival. You see effective up to 500 but it's far enough in order that you can scan around and see a hord of zombies in one of the surounding villages.

But here is an example of an inapropriate use of the gun:

Drakan is in the middle of a field, in a bush, wearing ghillie with camouflage SVD next to Elektro's train station , a place where there are a lots of bushes and palissades.

He could normally stay in this position during an hour or even more as soon as he doesn't fire or makes the right firing.

(I always play on veteran servers)

But guess how long can I stay like this without being shot. On a .. for example... 20 people server.

the answer is... fifteen minutes untill a thermal hopper / sniper comes joins in or comes in.

You will answer me "yeah but this is because of duplication" ; I can tell you that the fact of ten guys or one guy using it on a server is the same thing.

It will have the same impact on the "stealth" possibilites of the game.

so your problem is server hopping scum not the L85.

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so your problem is server hopping scum not the L85.

As soon as you're not that "running in the middle of cherno and looting the top of firestation" idiot with an axe, you may notice that you can stand a chance at avoiding to get killed by a normal hoper. But the thermal hoper creates many ankward situations.

You're walking during one hour looking at your back the way to stary cabor and after having securised the town and finish scanning. Somebody spawns with L85 and foolows you after his standart 30 second horizon check.

"clap clap ; on the ground!"

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YESS! Looking forward to some great gameplay in the coming months.

You guys crying "boo hoo no thermals" can run to your mamas! xD

Got shot at the other day with some kind of sniper weapon. He must have been pretty shit with it. I went into cover inside a house and opened fire upon his general location with my SAW. LOL good fun to see him panic. I got a bead on him when he tried to fire back, but eventually he decided to get the fuck out of there, and I didn't hit him because I was outside effective range anyway.

So what I'm trying to say is that there were some tense minutes during witch I was under fire from... somewhere... and until I got a bead on him. I still did just fine without the thermal equipment, and I'm pretty sure I had a much more exciting time too. After all, with a thermal the whole deal would be over with just one sweep. Now minutes went by in agonizing excitement before I finally found the fucker.

Edited by kebman

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We use DMRs... it's a rifle with decent range, damage and accuracy. It's great for going into town and having one guy take down the zombies (or players) that get too close, without aggroing every zombie and their friend.

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YESS! Looking forward to some great gameplay in the coming months.

You guys crying "boo hoo no thermals" can run to your mamas! xD

Oh Really! na we can just add the L85 back to the loot tables as I have done on our private hive and screw the pub server.

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Oh Really! na we can just add the L85 back to the loot tables as I have done on our private hive and screw the pub server.

LOL Good job. Now you can have back your needed advantage. Anyone who doesn't like them can stay away from your server. Do you have the balls to give everyone on your server an L85? No? Maybe you should re-examine your shite.

We give EVERYONE a badass loadout on our server. You get enough ammo to go loot what you want if a PDW SD and M4A1 CCO SD is not your style. The last thermal was destroyed recently. If you want to loot or don't like the fact that you start with stuff, kill a zombie and bury your gear with it and start fresh. It's up to the player.

Needing weapons that others don't have is just well . . . .I'll leave it up to the individual to finish that sentence. The wise will finish it correctly.

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Just to back up what the OP is saying, L85 with a thermal on top, I dont think people understand how big these cameras are, they are huge. It would probably take the whole rail system of the L85 to be able to put it on, Can you imagine how awkward that would be trying to position your head into the peep of the camera while you figure how to position your rifle in the high pocket of your shoulder? It would be stupid and your shots would be completely inaccurate.

On another note since some people like to talk about realism. Dudes running around with AS50s. Dudes "running" around with AS50s. That is ridiculous, but hey, its in every video game for some reason. Anyone who has ever fired one of these weapons knows that uhhhh your not going to pick this thing up and run with it. Why? Because its heavy as ^&^%. Do you honestly think snipers carry this thing around all day long? Well answer is no. They break it up into 3 pieces, barrel, reciever, bipod. bipod goes into the alice pack or mollie pack, reciver goes into the pack and barrel goes between the pack and the back of the flak jacket. He will be carrying an M4 as primary until he and his "team" no more then 4 reach their hides. M4A1 and or 30 Aut 6 is a 10x better choice of weapon for taking personel out. If we are talking realism. But hey, i like video games too.

Next time you have one on your character, switch to sidearm, go to 3rd person view, zoom out hitting - on num-pad.... it's funny seeing that monster hardware strapped to the side of your dudes pack like it's nothing =)

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