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Why doesnt all but 2 servers show up?

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Is there a specific version arma II is supposed to be on ? I have everything updated http://gyazo.com/b4e...8b74672a2299c07

But when i launch it i only get 2 servers.

I also check off the hide unofficial and wrong arma II version but when i uncheck them both I get 3,000 server listings

After about 20 servers the rest have 10000 ping http://gyazo.com/3fd...065f1b40a09a7e7

Ive also tried joining like 7 servers that are greyed out but it disconnects me and says wrong version.

Any Ideas?

Ah Messed up the tittle. Meant to say why does it only show 2 servers? My bad.

Edited by killxdexgods

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If you hover over "server stats" in DayZCommander, you can see which version most servers are running and then downgrade to that if necessary.

When you click refresh do the 20 servers change? Could be your router overloading so times out on the rest, you can try lowering the max connection slider under settings and see if it improves.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I have about 30% of servers running 98866, you could try that? As well as resetting all filters before refreshing again.

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I did that all 4.6k servers showed up http://gyazo.com/f19db41fcc7520be37fa7c5df9034677 98% of them are greyed out

After i hid the locked and un official it only comes up with 27 servers with only about half of them joinable http://gyazo.com/f7a3e7010baf3af58da6b099dc208c18

I have already re-installed dzc should i re-install arma II / arma II oa?

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If you hover over "server stats" in DayZCommander, you can see which version most servers are running and then downgrade to that if necessary.

When you click refresh do the 20 servers change? Could be your router overloading so times out on the rest, you can try lowering the max connection slider under settings and see if it improves.

They are the same 20 servers just rearranged. I re-installed Arma II/Arma II Oa Along with Dzc and Dayz.

Also with the max ping slider if i moved it from default no servers show up because when the servers show up their ping is 10000 but when i click on the server it acutally updates to the real ping like so.


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