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Blood Slowly Draining, Not Bleeding

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Date/Time: June 16th

What happened: Suddenly my blood has started to slowly drain every time I log on. It starts at around 10700 and goes down to 9999 and stops. Bandaging, eating or even intentionally getting hit by zombies and then bandaging, does not stop the blood drain. Every time I eat something it slowly drops back down to 9999.

Where you were: Woods near Balota.

What you were doing: Got attacked by some zombies, then I started noticing the problem.

*Current installed version: 1.7.0 with 93701 Beta.

*Server(s) you were on: Can't remember. Problem persists on all servers, even with latest Beta 93825.

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Are you sure it's an infection?

I have this problem too... I started losing blood after been hitted by a zombie. I use bandages and stop bleeding but blood is still going down. I hear no cough or splutter so I don't think I'm infected.

I'm using beta 93825 and Dayz 1.7.1

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same problem, and it's not an infection as it stops at 9999 every time, the first time I noticed was after a Z attacked me & I got away, I killed a cow to cook/eat get my blood back up. After eating a few steaks, I noticed that the meat (which normally gives 800) was only boosting a few points.. like 2/4 & my blood started counting down slowly.

I too thought it was an infection, but it stopped at 9999, this has now happened twice, seems I can't get my blood all the way back to 12000 anymore, so something is a miss.

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you're infected....

if youre infected your blood goes slowly to 10k by 3 points every second.

if u have 10002 blood and u lose 3 it goes to 9999.

get antibiotics and u will get 12k again.

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so... infections stop at 9999? Mine never went below that number & it counted down from 11,8?? it was over that mark when I first noticed the ticket bleed, just wasn't aware of infections only going to 9999 & stopping on it's own. Other ppl I've been around ingame who were infected, their character would cough, passout, ect.. I did none of that, nothing on any icon stated I had any problems.

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This happened to me (patch as well although I'm in the middle of nowhere and not "infected" from a zombie. I've wasted 3 antibiotics as of now and everytime I rejoin a server I'm sick yet again. Disconnected healthy last night but patch is making me perma sick no matter how many anti's I use.

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The Antibotics dnt work cause i got infected and everytime i find AB's and decide to take a break from the game and start back up. I begin to cough and slowly losing blood even after taking the AB's so its bugged and plus things are not saving.

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Just had the same, got hit by a civilian zombie and started coughing. I thought only the cold i.e. rain/swimming could get you infected...

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all damage can cause infection.

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I had this once. It IS an infection. You DO need antibiotics. I wasn't coughing or anything either. The game is buggy. Surprise! (inb4 some mouth breather says it's alpha)

btw hospital is only place you will find them, and they are quite a rare spawn....good luck.

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My character now goes below 9999 blood now. It is not bleeding or anything, my blood just keeps decreasing by 3 blood even past the 9999 threshold.

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  'Tansien said:

An infection drops your max health by 2000 blood' date=' which means 10000.


a friend of me was infected, and it dropped to 6000.

they spent the day farming berenzino hospital for antibiotics. they got a shit ton of meds infront, no antibiotics though.

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I am having the same problem only that when i got infected (or i think i got infected) i was under 9999 blood so i keep losing blood i have let it drop to about 3900 but it still hasent stopped. What should i do? Because i dont want to constantly eat food or bloodbag

i have tried antibiotics twice

bandaged 4 times

and even bloodbagged twice

Edited by BLORGG

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