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Team in game mechanic ( no-shoot option)

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Heres a thought

When you team with a player there is a game mechanic that does not allow you to shoot each other.

It works something like this.

Player Bob sees player Tom and asks " Are you Friendly?" Tom replies yes

After some conversation Bob suggests that they team up and Tom agrees.

Bob clicks on Toms character like the direct communication option and a menu pops up with two commands. Team or Disband

This creates a non-shoot mechanic between those two players. Thus killing each other is not possible. To break the mechanic both players agree to the break in partnership.

I know what your saying thats not realistic but then what can you do? Anyone will be a dick and lie to get whatever they want. I have seen it in other games and even those that are on your team speak can betray the group. So while you think you can trust somone you cannot.

This mechanic locks in the fact your teammate cannot shoot you thus imposing a "moral obligation" which keeps both parties confident that a player will not go rouge.

The mechanic does not carry over when the player(s) enter a different server.

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The problem is that this takes away from the tense atmosphere of "can i trust that person... can i still trust him... what if he shoots when i don't look." It would take away from the game in my opinion i could see something like if you team up you can see the tags of only that person (which would mean that tags are disabled throughout the servers) you just have to try harder to make sure hes not in your line of fire when trying to help

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Exactly Thorlaxx,

An inherent part of the mod is "can I trust you?". You might work together for an hour or so then get a round in the back of the head from the person you trusted originally. Brilliant!!!

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Well I'm trying to sort out a way so that you don't have to shoot players on site. Where you can work with someone without the BS of players taking advantage of other players. No one said you HAVE TO team with someone. It's just an option.

It seems in this game you have three sides to this:

1. People that want the free for all style of play that can kill anyone and everyone because they love to troll and well be a bunch of assholes. To include baiting players in side chat. ( You guys are a very special type of asshole )

2. Those that want the team experiance have a good game and enjoy the in game danger, but at least trust the players they team with.

3. Players that by experiance know that seeing Joe player knows that leaving him alone can result in his death at some point. So his only option is to kill everyone to be safe.

So what you want is the player you let go 2 minutes ago puts a bullet in the back of your head because you picked up some beans? Or maybe you take a shot and miss? Then you have said player hunting you. Maybe he has a few friends and while you killed him your going to get gunned down when you go to get his stuff. Maybe you did it just to be a dick because you can. In anycase what goes around comes around you know Karma is a bitch.

For those that posted the videos. The Dayz Video(s) tell me alot about this game for one there are people that will take advantage of others until they feel that they no longer need them or they want something they have. There are players that take advantage of the game mechanic hence the bad guy spawn killing on the beach. It;s kind of funny but if you think about it why would you play a game where someone betrays your trust and then griefs you as you spawn back in?

In both cases how does that effect the player that dies. Will they get tired of the game and never play again or will they become the Bad guy and pull the same shit?

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This sounds familiar :)

Yeah, tell me more about the tense atmosphere and how strangers trust each other in this mod, please!

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Ha, I was just about to say Sabata already has a post about this... and there's Sabata.

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I find that the people that bitch the most about creating any team mechanics or options for humanity are those that love to be the griefers in this game.

Generally I would say these peole never experianced much in life and have a dissconect between right and wrong.

Which make other players like myself who want to do the right thing and be good have to resort to killing you.

So heres a lesson. In life there are three sorts of animals:

Sheep live in denial; that is what makes them sheep, those that want to play the game and enjoy it. They like the challenge of the zombie hordes but tire or quit after being abused by the wolf. Without the sheep the game dies. You may call them casual players.

The Wolves, wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. These are the griefers in game, they lie, cheat, hack and grief the player base which will eventually ruin it for most. While you may argue they create a certian element to the game they cause more issues than they are worth.

The sheepdogs, the warriors, wanting to make things right and step in harms way to stop the wolf. They are people like me that want some sort of order but will kill a player because there is no other choice. I do not want to ruin anyones game but will go out of my way to find somone sniping new players, causing issues or tries to shoot me.

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Nope bad idea if i didn't want to shoot someone i wouldn't need a system to keep my Trigger finger steady.

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And if you weren't so narrow-minded you will find that people who simply want to play solo exist. There is such a thing as playing solo because you want 100% control over whether you live or die. Before you take that the wrong way, I mean this:

If I go into a village I want to have control over whether a zombie is aggroed or not. If a zombie comes at me, I know it's my fault. If I'm with another player it could be their fault making me wish I hadn't joined with them on this particular job.

If a player kills me I want to know it's because I wasn't careful enough. I don't want to have to blame another player for getting me killed, if it is my fault then so be it. If it's theirs then joining with them was a mistake.

People like me want to reduce the chance of player error. We aren't all mindless murderers who only kill players for a laugh and a giggle. We may kill players, yes, but only if we feel threatened or if we can't resist the urge to loot their NVGs or AS50.

Think before you post man, and have the decency to accept other arguments.

However, I agree that there are players who will kill others for fun and I don't think they are playing the right game mode for it. But at the moment it is a viable play style and making it harder for other players who want to lie and deceive to loot their preys' dead bodies, which would happen IRL, is not the way to help them change mode.

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Lol Your argument is infringing on my playing experience so i did think it through yes some people like to play Lone wolf but that's their business forcing people to play your way just makes you a jerk i roll with like 10 guys ambushing random people If you have seen my Picture yesterday of me killing like 10 guys and dumping their corpses in a pile this game is unforgiving and if you don't roll with peeps you will die early.

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I think some people are not getting the point.

For one this is ment for small groups. For example you would not shoot your best friend, or family member in the back of the head right? While some might argue this is not my best friend or family member the player in question is supposed to be watching your back and probably has saved your ass countless times, hence and agreement not to kill each other.

However, If your answer is YES (I want the ability to kill my buddy at anytime and find it acceptable ) then you're really fucked in the head and there's nothing I can do for you please Baker Act yourself and get the fuck out of my thread.

So while Sabata's post is more universal, mine is NOT, however I applaude his idea, dude get out of my head :-)

1. Do you have to use it? NO

This is where most of you slackers get hung up. YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE IT.

2. Can you break the team up? Yes however both players have to agree or the player leaves the server that they were Friended on.

3. Can players still be retarded and exploit this in some way sure, just like they can drop nukes, spawn attack helicopters and tanks or small things like lying about shit. Like any hack you will just get banned from the game.

4. Does it apply to other teams? Hell No. Only yours, hence a two man team spots another two man team and they can shoot each other until they look like swiss cheese spewing fountians of blood.

5. Can it be a server option? Yes

So if you want to be all "Hey I want to bait people then shoot them in the back" or I dont need to stinking team! there are places for your type. Again see the first line.

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Lol Your argument is infringing on my playing experience so i did think it through yes some people like to play Lone wolf but that's their business forcing people to play your way just makes you a jerk i roll with like 10 guys ambushing random people If you have seen my Picture yesterday of me killing like 10 guys and dumping their corpses in a pile this game is unforgiving and if you don't roll with peeps you will die early.

I wasn't replying to you :S

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It was more of a general reply but yes i thought you were replying to me my bad sorry.

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I think some people are not getting the point.

For one this is ment for small groups. For example you would not shoot you best friend' date=' or family member in the back of the head right?

If your answer is yes then you're really fucked in the head and theres nothing I can do for you please http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Mental_Health_Act yourself and get the fuck out of my thread.

So while Sabata's post is more universal mine is NOT however I applaude his idea. A tea mechanic mist exist but to what extent?


Adding squads in my opinion is fine, but taking away friendly fire is just silly. There isn't a magical barrier between your gun and your friends. You wouldn't shoot them on purpose but you might accidentally hit them which can't be solved by magic.

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I think some people are not getting the point.

For one this is ment for small groups. For example you would not shoot you best friend' date=' or family member in the back of the head right?

If your answer is yes then you're really fucked in the head and theres nothing I can do for you please http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Mental_Health_Act yourself and get the fuck out of my thread.

So while Sabata's post is more universal mine is NOT however I applaude his idea. A tea mechanic mist exist but to what extent?


I like the spin you did here. While it's less general approach, it should be more palatable. There's however that small minority of players that only can play the mod in the most anti-social and cowardly possible way. And sadly for them, not many games let them do their favorite stuff like dayZ does. So it's understandable someone wants to preserve backstabbing as much as possible.

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I think some people are not getting the point.

For one this is ment for small groups. For example you would not shoot you best friend' date=' or family member in the back of the head right?

If your answer is yes then you're really fucked in the head and theres nothing I can do for you please http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Mental_Health_Act yourself and get the fuck out of my thread.

So while Sabata's post is more universal mine is NOT however I applaude his idea. A tea mechanic mist exist but to what extent?


Adding squads in my opinion is fine, but taking away friendly fire is just silly. There isn't a magical barrier between your gun and your friends. You wouldn't shoot them on purpose but you might accidentally hit them which can't be solved by magic.

I posted as a place holder and then continued to edit it hence all the typos and basic link.

What you call a magical barrier is not magic at all it is basically a mechanic so people do not friend you by lies and exploit you. You could call it MORALS, CONCIOUS and or ETHICS.

Again you do not have to use this mechanic it is there as an option it will in no way effect your game if you choose not to use it.

Sabata - No spin bro, I never read your post until you posted here. So I'm not trying to horde your idea but at least we want an option for a better game. As Sadistic as Rocket is I doubt anything but a loose teamwork option will ever exist but, meh, it was worth a shot.

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Sabata - No spin bro, I never read your post until you posted here. So I'm not trying to horde your idea but at least we want an option for a better game. As Sadistic as Rocket is I doubt anything but a loose teamwork option will ever exist but, meh, it was worth a shot.

Ok cool, I didn't wanted to mean it was inspired in my post or something sorry.

It's pretty sure we won't see anything like this, in dayZ at least. I'd like this mod to step up somehow though. The heartbeat mechanic could be related to the issues you point out, for instance. It's obvious for me at least that some 'play styles' are just damaging the gameplay.

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Sabata - No spin bro' date=' I never read your post until you posted here. So I'm not trying to horde your idea but at least we want an option for a better game. As Sadistic as Rocket is I doubt anything but a loose teamwork option will ever exist but, meh, it was worth a shot. [/quote']

Ok cool, I didn't wanted to mean it was inspired in my post or something sorry.

It's pretty sure we won't see anything like this, in dayZ at least. I'd like this mod to step up somehow though. The heartbeat mechanic could be related to the issues you point out, for instance. It's obvious for me at least that some 'play styles' are just damaging the gameplay.

Oh no worries, thanks for your reply.

I read Rockets heartbeat mechanic and well I can say it's "something" but I said NO. Cause it's useless, why? because by the time I get close enough to figure out if someone is good or not its too late.

Additionally if you have had to defend yourself ( example: somone shoots at you misses or wounds you but you kill them or you kill a player that is trying to kill others and you kill them ) you are marked with a murder hence you would be subject of the heart beat mechanic.

In this game I dont know of any mechanic that can indicate self defense. So KOS is valid to a certian point.

Last night a buddy of mine asked if a player that moved into our area was friendly on chat I about freaked because if he was not we just gave away our advantage. Since there is no visual way to figure out what his intentions are or visual que we were at the mercy of a line of text.

Given that we were properly kitted out and far enough away to break contact we moved out of the area and left him alone. I was waiting for bullets to start zipping over my head at any moment.

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the problem with this is that if your buddy is being swarmed by zeds you can just spray them off of him and not have to care f you hit him or not... that's just being lazy... if hes already unconscious you can hose away anyways because there's little chance of hitting him, but if the game magically stops your bullets from hurting him then there's no risk involved with helping your friend you can just shoot away....

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Sabata - No spin bro' date=' I never read your post until you posted here. So I'm not trying to horde your idea but at least we want an option for a better game. As Sadistic as Rocket is I doubt anything but a loose teamwork option will ever exist but, meh, it was worth a shot. [/quote']

Ok cool, I didn't wanted to mean it was inspired in my post or something sorry.

It's pretty sure we won't see anything like this, in dayZ at least. I'd like this mod to step up somehow though. The heartbeat mechanic could be related to the issues you point out, for instance. It's obvious for me at least that some 'play styles' are just damaging the gameplay.

Oh no worries, thanks for your reply.

I read Rockets heartbeat mechanic and well I can say it's "something" but I said NO. Cause it's useless, why? because by the time I get close enough to figure out if someone is good or not its too late.

Additionally if you have had to defend yourself ( example: somone shoots at you misses or wounds you but you kill them or you kill a player that is trying to kill others and you kill them ) you are marked with a murder hence you would be subject of the heart beat mechanic.

In this game I dont know of any mechanic that can indicate self defense. So KOS is valid to a certian point.

Last night a buddy of mine asked if a player that moved into our area was friendly on chat I about freaked because if he was not we just gave away our advantage. Since there is no visual way to figure out what his intentions are or visual que we were at the mercy of a line of text.

Given that we were properly kitted out and far enough away to break contact we moved out of the area and left him alone. I was waiting for bullets to start zipping over my head at any moment.

Heartbeats mechanic falls short for what we want, indeed.

Some people will read that story about the encounter as something great, the tension, blah blah. And it's the kind of thing that sickens me because I would say: look beyond the encounter and whatever emotions it produces to you! they are missing the whole game that dayZ could be.

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