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Alternative to Tents - burying items in a cache

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I'm not a big fan of tents but I do think there needs to be a way for items to be stored. To give the players an opportunity to create a food or weapon cache.

I'm thinking along the lines of a player with an entrenching tool being able to dig a hole in certain areas of the map or types of terrain and, in effect, turn this spot into a container that is save-able in the same fashion that tents are currently. The flag indicating the presence of a cache would be much more discrete, perhaps just a small mound, if there's any flag or indicator at all. This would make it challenging for players to spot (including the one's who created the cache).

Caches would be limited in the types and quantities of items that could be stored in them, more on par with a backpack than a tent and, as mentioned, would require an entrenching tool to create but perhaps also to dig it up again. For example, 20 items slots available, no vehicle repair items (like windshields or rotors, etc.).

Just a thought.

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someone found your tent? seriously..i read something about digging or going underground iin some way in SA..but i think that tents and a 24 slots backpack and a car full of stuff is already a good way to create a cache

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